
Health Education - Oak Grove Elementary - DeKalb County School District


What Are Vaccines?

  • A vaccine is a type of medicine. It helps keep you from getting certain sicknesses and diseases. Vaccines help your immune system recognize germs and diseases faster. Your immune system fights germs to keep you healthy.

How Vaccines Work

  • Vaccines are made of germs

that are dead or weakened.

When you get a vaccine,

your body makes antibodies

to fight the weakened germs.

The antibodies stay in your body

forever. They can fight the germs

if you get sick in the future.

When Do You Get Vaccines?

  • Some vaccines are only

given once. Many babies get

a vaccine to protect them against

chicken pox. Some vaccines are

given in a series. These are called

booster shots. Some vaccines are

needed more often. You can get

the flu shot every year.

Forms of Vaccines

  • Some vaccines are given

as shots. They are injected

into your body with a needle.

Some vaccines are liquids.

You can swallow them.

Other vaccines are a mist.

The mist is sprayed up your nose.

Discovering Vaccines

  • The first vaccine was discovered

in 1796. Dr. Edward Jenner took

fluid from someone who had

cowpox. He put the fluid into a

cut on the arm of a healthy boy.

The cowpox germs helped teach

the boy's body how to fight off the smallpox germs.

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