Site Bulletins

July 2024: Update from Tkefan29 on the Future of the Guide

Hello all,

By now you have probably noticed that the Guide has not been updated in a while. In over a year, to be exact- the last published update was last April. To be honest, I have had very little time to work on the site for a couple of years, as this project has fallen to the side for many of the same reasons my YouTube channel has.

As the Guide celebrated its fifth anniversary this past July 14, it stands far less complete than the encyclopedia I'd envisioned when starting this project in 2019. Our withdrawal from regular editing of the Guide has caused it to fail to keep up with new developments in the elevator market, and as such, much of the Guide's information is now out of date. Despite the Guide's current state, I am committed to reviving the site and updating it with more current information about its subjects. In addition to adding new models and expanding upon existing pages, I am exploring some potential reorganization of information to facilitate easier use and reduce clutter.

I have learned, the hard way, that I cannot fully commit to a timeline for these improvements, as my past projections have never been fully realized. I expect to begin work on the Guide again next month, but I do not know how far I will get in the immediate future.

Thank you for your patience,
July 22, 2024

July 2024: New Domain Name

In the interest of easy access and navigation, we have applied for a custom domain name for the Guide website.
We expect to migrate the site to by August 2024.

July 22, 2024

June 2024: Document Archive Migration

The Guide's Document Archive is being combined with 42-BRT's Archives of Transport and Retail.

This project began in July 2024, and is expected to be complete by August. Guide readers should expect temporary unavailability of some documents as we work on this progress.

June 29, 2024

April 2023: Staff Changes

Two Guide collaborators have been removed from their editing positions at the Guide, due to personal issues that would prevent us from effectively collaborating on the project.

Elevating Western Washington was in the midst of being brought onboard as a staff member this winter, when some community drama caused many in the community, including some of our senior staff, to stop associating with them.
As such, they were never officially brought on to staff, despite having been listed as such for the past few months.

ExcelElevations 4U was dismissed due to his public espousal and promotion of hateful and bigoted rhetoric towards members of the LGBTQ+ community. We at the Guide do not tolerate such transphobic hate speech, as it is not only disrespectful and dehumanizing, but has demonstrably and directly led to violent hate crimes towards members of marginalized groups.
We fully and vehemently disavow these actions and statements by ExcelElevations 4U, and have opted to end relations with him, as we do not wish to associate with someone who targets their fellow humans based on demographic groups, much less the most endangered group in today's political climate.
We are particularly disappointed by this conduct from someone we have for years considered a friend.

April 3, 2023

April 2023: Update from Tkefan29 on the Future of the Guide

Frequent visitors to the North American Elevator Guide may have noticed a lack of changes over the past few months. Truthfully, I have not had much time or motivation to work on it for quite a while, so progress has stalled. I've learned my lesson about stretching myself too thin, and as such I recognize that I won't be able to commit time to working on it until the summer. As such, I'm formally putting the project on hold until after my retirement from the community in June - ironic, I know, to resume work on an elevator project after leaving the lift community.

April 3, 2023