Mitsubishi Fixtures

Square buttons

Mitsubishi's earliest elevators in North America have square buttons that light up orange. These are usually paired with orange seven-segment LED indicators.

Mitsubishi square buttonsphoto: NobuX2 (CC-BY-SA)
Mitsubishi sixteen-segment indicatorphoto: NobuX2 (CC-BY-SA)

Hydraulic circle buttons

These were used on hydraulic lifts in the 1990s and 2000s. They were paired with a Mitsubishi red LED indicator, or a similar generic indicator.

Older circle button operating panel
Older circle call button
Mitsubishi red LED indicator

Generic fixtures

Mitsubishi hydros from this era offered Adams buttons, particularly Survivor Plus as a vandal resistant option, paired with the red LED indicator shown above.

California code Survivor Plus buttons (not on a Mitsubishi)

Current traction fixtures

Mitsubishi's current first-party buttons are used only on traction elevators. These do not move very much when pressed.

There are three variants, available with white or orange lights:

  • black plastic with white light in center

  • vandal resistant, metal with small light in center

  • metal with illuminating halo

Mitsubishi's current fixture line has had two indicators. The original indicator is an orange LED dot matrix indicator with the arrow displayed to the left of the number. This was replaced in 2009 with a larger display with the arrow above the number.

Produced c.1996-present
Rarity Rating: 6/10

Current plastic buttons
Vandal resistant buttons
Silver buttons with illuminating halosphoto: IDLift3000 (CC-BY-SA)
Older dot-matrix indicatorphoto: IDLift3000 (CC-BY-SA)
Newer dot-matrix indicator
Newer car lantern
Newer hall indicator and lantern

ThyssenKrupp buttons

Mitsubishi hydraulic elevators currently use the same buttons as newer ThyssenKrupp Traditional, which may be made by DMG. These are paired with an orange dot-matrix LED indicator.

These buttons (not on a Mitsubishi)