【録画配信】青柳いづみこ Birthday Live

第48回 あべこべのゆびきり ~初夏に蒔く音と音楽の種~


2020年6月4日(木)pm 12:00 配信開始

URL: https://youtu.be/7njFMKrMl0g


ドビュッシー「今や月は廃寺に落ちる」 青柳(ピアノ)

谷川俊太郎「音楽のように」 谷川(朗読)&青柳(ピアノ)

サティ「グノシェンヌ第1番」 青柳(ピアノ)

青柳いづみこ「ピアニストは手がすべて」/青柳瑞穂「手」 青柳(朗読)&谷川(ピアノ)

クープラン「ケシ」/スコット「ケシ」 青柳(ピアノ)

谷川賢作「冬の夜」 谷川(歌)&青柳(ピアノ)

望月遊馬「シフォンの歌」 谷川(朗読)&青柳(ピアノ)

谷川賢作「詩人は辛い」 谷川(歌)&青柳(ピアノ)

テーマは「あべこべのゆびきり」。青柳さんと谷川さんという、音と言葉の達人おふたりが立ち位置を交替したら、ちょっと素敵でふしぎな世界が生まれました。 「オンラインのステージ」で、音と言葉がしっかりと向きあい、そしてしっとりと寄り添う瞬間をお聴き逃しなく。


The 48th Izumiko Aoyagi, Kensaku Tanikawa

Thursday, June 4, 2020 pm 12:00 start

© Miho Kakuta

青柳いづみこ(あおやぎ・いづみこ ピアニスト・文筆家)


Izumiko Aoyagi, pianist and writer

She studied with Kazuko Yasukawa and Pierre Barbizet. After her musical studies at the Marseille Conservatoire, she received a doctorate in Science and the Arts from the National Univeristy of Fine Arts in Tokyo. She also won the Festival of Arts prize from the Japanese Ministry of Culture in 1990.

As a concert pianist and a writer, she has attracted the attention of the public through excellent multi-faceted performances in her parallel careers. She has to date recorded 17 CDs, of which 15 have been nominated ‘Special Choice of the Month’ by the classical music review magazine, Rekodo Geijutsu.

In her capacity as a writer, she received the 9th Hidekazu Yoshida prize in 1999 with her biography of her Professor of Piano, Kazuko Yasukawa: Winged Fingers. She also received the 49th Essayists’ Prize for the biography of her grandfather, the writer Mizuho Aoyagi. The 25th Kodansha Essayist Prize was given to her for her book: The Goldberg Variations with Six Fingers. She also received the 23rd Music Pen Club prize for her album, Romantic Debussy.

She is a member of the administrative committee of Japan Federation of Music and Frederic Chopin Society in Japan and Professor emeritus at the Osaka University of Fine Arts. Her official website is https://ondine-i.net

谷川賢作(たにかわ・けんさく 作曲家・ピアニスト)


谷川賢作オフィシャルサイト http://tanikawakensaku.com/

Kensaku Tanikawa, Composer and Pianist

Born in 1960, and studied jazz piano under Masahiko Satoh. As a performer, he organizes concerts throughout Japan; “DiVa”, the trio band that sing contemporary poems, “Palhaco”, the unit with the harmonica player Chikara Tsuzuki, and he works with his father Shuntaro Tanikawa to bring the collaboration of reading and music.