第44回 杜のうた 〜ハープとバリトンが紡ぐ僕らの物語〜

濵野杜輝 & 太田咲耶 & 藤川大晃

2017年7月28日(金) 19:00開演




3_庭の千草 ☆

4_ダニーボーイ ☆

5_オリエンタルガーデン ハープソロのために

Ⅳ つぼみから開花へ-夏の終わり-夕風

V 開花 -秋、たそがれまで

6_真白き富士の根 ☆

7_朧月夜 ☆

8_子守唄 ☆



  1. 発見
  2. 海水浴
  3. 或る風に寄せて
  4. 星の美しい村
  5. 祖母
  6. さよならの城
  7. 目に見えぬ詩集

11_ぽつねん ☆ 作曲 武満徹

12_死んだ男の残したものは ☆

13_島へ ☆

☆は藤川 大晃による編曲



The 44th Our songs with Harp and Baritone

Toki HAMANO & Sakuya OTA & Daiko FUJIKAWA

Friday, July 28, 2017 7:00pm-


The last rose of summer



New piece (Daiko Fujikawa) etc

Baritone: Toki HAMANO

Harp: Sakuya OTA

Composition and Arrangement: Daiko FUJIKAWA

濵野杜輝(はまの・とき バリトン)


2014年公益財団法人青山財団奨学生。日本歌曲演奏団体 季(とき)の芸術監督、日本人としての演奏家のあり方や創作を追求するため、企画から演奏まで幅広く活動を行う。藝大アーツ・スペシャル2015 障がいとアーツでは、ボーダレスパフォーマンス音楽劇「星が光るとき」、藝大21第10回「奏楽堂企画学内公募」最優秀企画作品、音楽劇「星の王子様」ではそれぞれ脚本・演出を手掛けた。


Toki HAMANO -- Baritone

Hamano Toki(born in 1994)is from Ito-city, Shizuoka.

He was the first place in the 33rd opera competition for students in Shizuoka sponsored by Shizuoka Newspaper and won the prize of Opera Association Director. He was the second place in the 66th Tokyo Musical Competition of sponsored by Mainichi Newspapers and also won the prize. He was a scholarship student of Aoyama public foundation in 2014.

He was also an art director of “Ensemble Toki”, a Japanese song performance group. To pursue the ideal of a Japanese player and creation, I participate activities widely from planning to performance. He also worked on scenarios and productions respectively in those events; Beardless Performance Musical of ”when the stars are shinning “in Geidai Arts Special 2015 ; Musical of “ The little prince”, the best work in Geidai 21.

He studies vocal music under Mr.Koyashiki Makoto, Mr. Kazuhisa Tashiro and Mr. Akiya Fukushima. He is a senior student in Tokyo university of the arts now in 2016 and have determined to continue my education of postgraduate course of vocal specialty from April in 2017.

太田咲耶(おおた・さくや ハープ)

愛知県出身。第15回大阪国際音楽コンクールハープ部門第3位。2014年度フランス ニース夏期国際音楽アカデミーにてマリー・ピエール=ラングラメ氏のマスタークラスを受講。


Sakuya OTA -- Harp

Born at Aichi. Sakuya Ota received the 3rd prize at the Osaka International music competition in the harp division.She took the master class by Marie-Pierre Langramet in Nice International Summer Academy of Music. She graduated from Aichi University of the Arts.Presently,she is a master's student of Tokyo University of the Arts.

She has studied harp with Kaoru Kondou,Mari Kimura and Risako Hayakawa,chember music with Yuki hyakutake and Reiko Shiraishi.

藤川大晃(ふじかわ・だいこう 作編曲)


作曲を葛西進、小鍛冶邦隆の各氏に師事。第23回奏楽堂日本歌曲コンクール作曲部門一般の部第1位を獲得、第3回洗足現代音楽作曲コンクールB部門に入選、また「東京藝術大学木曜コン サート」において室内楽作品が演奏されるなど、多数の作品が上演されている。

大学在学中に声楽科の濵野杜輝らと「日本歌曲演奏団体『季(とき)』」を大学 在学時に結成し、音楽監督として日本の音楽を作曲・理論的な立場から研究している。現在、東京藝術大学大学院 音楽研究科 作曲専攻に在籍。

Daiko FUJIKAWA -- Composition and Arrangement

Born in Kyoto, Japan in 1994. Daiko Fujikawa graduated Saikyo Senior high school, and majors in Composition at Tokyo University of the Arts. He studied composition with Susumu Kasai and Kunitaka Kokaji. He won the 1st prize of the Sogakudo Competition of Japanese Song Composition in 2016 with “Ashi no Karine for Voice (Soprano) and Bass Clarinet”, and was the finalist of the 3rd Senzoku contemporary Composition Competition (Division B) with “Connection Collection for Organ”.

He established “Ensemble Toki” with Toki Hamano (Baritone) at the University, which performs art songs by Japanese composers. This is because there are few concerts in Japan which perform works by Japanese composers. He has studied Japanese music from compositional and theoretical positions as the music director of “Ensemble Toki”.