第17回 金子飛鳥(ヴァイオリン & ヴォイス)


2012年10月12日(金) 19:00開演



Vibrations(音のゆらぎ)~ヴァイオリンソロ & ヴォイス~





Ama [金子飛鳥], Nymphe [金子飛鳥], improvisation (即興演奏)







El Dia Que Me Qieras [Carlos Gardel], Libertango [Astor Piazzolla], Sichiliana [Maria Theresia von Paradis], 他人の顔 [武満 徹], Basquelo [金子飛鳥], Vento Callado [北村 聡], Earth Turns Eternal [金子飛鳥] ほか

* 演奏曲目は順不同

ゲスト:北村 聡(バンドネオン)






The 17th Aska KANEKO<Violin>

In Dialogue with Vibrations

Friday, October 12, 2012 7:00pm-


Stage 1: Vibrations - Violin & Voice

Wander freely with time now to discover, accept and explore fresh images of this special place ~ the warm and suppleness of a colorful kilim carpet, the heavens soaring high above, light and sound refracting off glass, and the pleasant resonance of good wood. Perhaps you might lend your assistance in this evening's task of music-making.

◎Music: Ama [A. Kaneko], Nymphe [A. Kaneko] & Improvisation

Stage 2: Dialogue - Violin & Bandoneón

A bow strung tight with the hair from a horse's tail, greets the strings on a vintage wooden violin. And look now - a bandoneón whose quavering notes arise when a bellows' winds meet metal reeds. Come explore the dialogue that unfolds between Aska Kaneko & Satoshi Kitamura.

◎Music: El Dia Que Me Qieras [Carlos Gardel], Libertango [Astor Piazzolla], Sichiliana [Maria Theresia von Paradis], Walz (film score "The Face of Another") [Toru Takemitsu], Basquelo [A. Kaneko], Vento Callado [Satoshi Kitamura], Earth Turns Eternal [A. Kaneko] & others

• Note: The performance order of these songs is open to change.

Asuka KANEKO: Violin

Guest: Satoshi KITAMURA [Bandoneón]

Human space carries within it the thoughts, desires that brought it into being and continue to enliven its spirit. And music also is profoundly shaped by and intermingles with the space in which it reveals itself. From the moment I first set foot in ROGOBA I was struck by the clarity, detail and openness of the sound that resonates within this space. Sound is, of

course, a wave, whose texture is sculptured by the quality of the air. Such musings can also be extended to the furnishing set out here, which while superbly functional seem embrued with a kindhearted tenderness that encourages unrestrained expression.

From within such a splendid space, what sort of music might be born among us here tonight?... Savoring the freedom to enjoy an 'artful moment' focusing on the subtle changes of sound waves reverberating through time and intermingling with this space, with the audience and the players - what a privilege and a delight! I believe that the hearts of contemporary peoples are incessantly assaulted by the pain and suffering that is so faithful reported to us in our 24-hour news cycle; all the more reason to seek out the time and space required for creative, open-ended moments of possibility.

It is my earnest hope that this evening might offer such an opportunity.

Aska Kaneko

金子飛鳥(かねこ・あすか ヴァイオリニスト)






90年代は東急文化村の連続企画「Asian Fantasy Orchestra」の中核メンバーとなり共同音楽監督を歴任、国境を越えた様々なミュージシャンと活動し多くの海外公演を行う。





Aska KANEKO YAMADA (Violinist)

Aska was born in Tokyo and brought up among a family of visual artists. She began studying the violin and the piano at the age four. When Aska was still in her early teens (1974), she was invited to participate in an international quartet competition for young musicians in London in which she won the grand prize.

In 1978 Aska entered Tokyo University of the Arts on a scholarship; however, she had little time for class work as she soon was being recruited to perform with professional players such as Sawada Kenji and many others. In 1987(~93) Aska joined with Satoru Shionoya, Hitoshi Watanabe, Kiyohiko Semba and the vocalist Techie to formed the avant-garde band Adi , which released four albums. In 1984 Aska established a thirty-member stings group (Aska Strings) and began devoting more time to composition of original works. In 1992 Aska released her first solo album (Multi-Venus) featuring original compositions or the electric violin.

In the 1990s Aska served as a pivotal member and also as the music director for the large collaborative project with traditional musicians from throughout Asia; the resulting Asian Fantasy Orchestra performed a series of critically acclaimed concerts in Japan, at Tokyu’s Bunkamura Cultural Center, and toured extensively in Asia. Aska has also composed and arranged music for numerous theatrical

productions, television commercials, and dance companies. In 1998 Aska was awarded a Bessie Composition Award for a work created at the request of choreographer Yoshiko Chuma in collaboration with the School of Hard Knocks production of the "Unfinished Symphony."

In 2000 Aska released "Mother" on Universal's Classics Label, followed in 2004 with an acoustic solo album entitled “Betweenness.” Since then Aska has continued to expand the horizon of her endeavors.

With the release of Ave" in the summer of 2007 Aska gave external expression to her commitment to the pursuit of internal harmony and external peace. This album was released on Aska’s personal label, Disc Ave; not only the content of the album, but also a portion of all revenue generated, are directed toward peace works on this fragile Earth of ours.

Over the last two decades Aska has pursued numerous collaborations with visual artists, illustrators, playwrights, and she has been deeply involved not only in the composition and arrangement of particular musical works but also in the overall production of multifaceted performance events. In recent years she has also begun conducting musical workshops with young children.

Critics have widely noted Aska's impressive array of technical skills on the violin, which support a remarkable expressive range. To see Aska perform live is to see someone who appears completely at ease with herself, her instrument and her surroundings. A lithe, graceful, and yet edgy and offbeat poise meddles Aska and her instrument into a single unit, while a nimble playfulness extends from Aska out into the audience.

Aska has an interest organic coops, gardening and practices t'ai chi as well as other types of bodywork. Aska is involved a movement that studies of Mayan cultural and spiritual practices, and is also a founding member of the Japanese chapter of the international effort to create Ministries of Peace.

In the summer of 2009 she relocated from Tokyo to the United States, where they currently reside in St. Louis. Aska continues to tour often in both Asia and Europe.

北村 聡(きたむら・さとし バンドネオン)


03年レオポルド・フェデリコの日本ツアーに参加。07年チリのバルパライソで行われた世界タンゴサミットに、またミゲル・バルベーロ・セステートのメンバーとしてモントリオールタンゴフェスティバルに出演。08年小松亮太の「若き民衆」公演ではピアソラの「プンタ・デル・エステ組曲」のソリストを務めた。10年オルケスタ アウロラでブエノスアイレス、モンテビデオのフェスティバルに出演、好評を得る。

これまでに、鈴木理恵子、須川展也、鈴木大介、大萩康司、菊地成孔、川井郁子、夏木マリ、エゴ・ラッピン、パブロ・シーグレル、カルロス・アギーレ、ビクトル・ラバジェン・オルケスタ、仙台フィル、いずみシンフォニエッタ大阪と共演、NHK「龍馬伝」、「カーネーション」、「ビターシュガー」はじめ様々なレコーディングに参加。現在オルケスタ・アウロラ、クアトロシエントス、小松亮太&オルケスタ ティピカ、オルケスタ ティピカ パンパ、中島ノブユキ アンサンブル等で活動中。