Chicken Broth and Stock

Chicken Broth

a whole chicken

one large onion,

3 large ribs of celery,

3-4 carrots

some fresh chives, parsley, cilantro, sage, bay leaf, several cloves of garlic some salt and fresh cracked pepper.

Simmer slowly for 1-2 hours.

Cool remove and discard vegetables.

Remove chicken cool and use in recipes or wrap and freeze for use within a month or so.

Strain broth to use in recipes or if not needed freeze for use within 3 months.

Chicken Stock

The other day I had one of those rotisserie chickens that I like to buy from Sam's Wholesale. We at the roasted chicken for three meals one of which was sandwiches, then we had chicken bog made from the stock and some of the chicken. I actually could have made a rich and delicious chicken soup after making the stock with the little bits of chicken from the bones

I decided to put the chicken carcass from that chicken in the slow cooker with onions, carrots, celery, plenty of cracked pepper. Do not add salt because a rotisserie chickens are highly seasoned. Cover with plenty of water up to within an inch of the top. Cover and cook on low overnight.

Strain stock and cool.