EI for Young Adults: Discussion 46

I can't find internship

It’s normal to feel stuck or overwhelmed when searching for internships, especially when societal pressure pushes you towards getting a job quickly. Insecurity about approaching people or making things happen can leave you feeling stuck at a crossroads—avoiding action to protect yourself from failure.

Many people struggle with this transition from college to adulthood. College can feel safe and structured, but the uncertainty of friendships, internships, or jobs can trigger feelings of incompetence.

Some helpful insights to keep in mind:

Ultimately, it’s okay to feel lost—everyone goes through it. Taking small steps forward, even imperfectly, will help you find your way.

Acting on your highest excitement

When engaging with others, it’s easy to hesitate out of fear—worrying about how people will react or whether things will become awkward. However, a powerful approach is to act on your highest excitement without being attached to the outcome. If a joke inspires you to add a comment or a moment moves you to clap, trust the joy you feel internally and act on it before doubt creeps in.

This approach encourages authentic expression—doing what feels right to you in the moment—whether it's speaking up or taking space. It builds genuine connection, as people tend to respond more positively when they sense someone acting from a place of excitement rather than hesitation or worry.

Worrying often creates tension, which others unconsciously pick up, leading to less favorable responses. But when you express yourself openly and unapologetically—whether through your words, body language, or actions—you signal to others that they, too, can show up authentically.

This type of behavior has a contagious effect. One person acting unapologetically from their highest passion can create a ripple of positivity, inspiring others to act with the same joy, freedom, and intensity. This permission to be authentic becomes a gift that spreads outward, enhancing the energy of the entire group or setting