EI for Young Adults: Discussion 20


Abundance is a state when we focus our attention on abundance in life, vs on scarcity (not enough). We look at life or imagine having more than enough.

Visualization: Pick a need from the table of needs at the bottom. Imagine having abundance in terms of this need, you have more than you need. Say what comes up to mind and listen to what others would say. For example:

  • Abundance of Simplicity in your life - what would it be like? Where would it show up?

  • Abundance of Tenderness

Why is it helpful?

If you start seeing abundance in life, universe is fulfilling your needs, you are aligned with the universe. If you see scarcity, not enough, this is what you are manifesting. What would you rather manifest?

Living in the present

Sometimes we are too fixed on completing our homework, doing it perfectly, we are too focused on the goal and miss living our lives.

What may help is living in the now, not killing yourself about the school work. Doing it good enough and allowing yourlsef to have a life. "How your spend your days is how you live your life"

Discussing situations

Can we join your practice?

Every day I bring my volleyball and play with my friend in school. Then the girls from our former team come and ask if they can play with us. We dont' really want to play with them because they suck, but we can't relly decline...

There are multiple needs that you and your friend have

  1. Physical expression, fun. This is accomplished by playing with your friend 1:1

  2. Acceptance. This is accomplished by inviting the girls to play with you (or not rejecting them). By rejecting you risk not to be accepted and your need for acceptance won't be fulfilled.

Sometimes its hard to combine both needs in one place. Consider alternatives:

  1. Going somewhere else so the girls won't see you

  2. Finding how you can have fun if they play as well

  3. Don't address both needs at the same time. For example, if you have some other time to address the need for fun, you can invite the girls and just socialize without focusing on fun.