EI for Young Adults: Discussion 22

Discussing situations

I was waiting for you in the library!

We made plans to meet in the library with my friend, I told my friend I'll be there but then I ended up going there with another friend and my friend got very upset that they had to wait for me and I didn't show up

If my friend is not alone it doesn't matter if I am there. 

A lot of us have this thought that we don't really matter in a group of several people. "Who cares if I am there, they can have fun anyway". While it's a humble perspective it's also very disempowering, because we diminish the impact our presence has on people. We may think we have very little to bring to the table, or we are not fun, and if we have such a belief we create a confirmation bias - we start seeing proofs that we don't really matter, that it doesn't matter if we are there or not. What if we had a different belief, for example "my presence makes a difference, even if I don't say a word". What would it be like to respect your worth and your presence, and see yourself as a gift to others? Don't be greedy and give others the gift of who you are!

I don't know what's going on in my head when I have too many things to take care of at the same time

If it was critical for me to be somewhere and I knew that I can't rely on myself because I tend to lose track of things, I would make sure that I get the support that I need to be where I need to be. I would communicate to as many people as I can about my plans and would ask them to support me in some way. Why do I not prioritize being on time according to my promises, while other people make sure this happens no matter what?

Consider that if you don't see yourself as someone who matters, maybe it's also hard for you to see others matter, and their needs matter. A deflated balloon sees other balloons as deflated (It's a weird metaphor, but still). And once you inflate yourself with "matter" you start perceiving others as such as well. 

I understand what you feel

When trying to resolve this situation with a friend it's important to understand their feelings and needs. 

"I felt frustrated because I could be doing something else"

You could say to your friends. Okay, you were frustrated because your need for freedom to do what you want to do wasn't met. I understand.

Understanding is the first step but not the final goal. Intellectual understanding doesn't bring a sense of completion to another person. In order for the other person to feel complete about your communication you want to empathize. Empathizing means putting yourself in their shoes and ALLOWING yourself to feel what they would feel. When you feel that frustration and that need to do something while you can't (because you have to wait for your friend) you start having a sense of remorse, for causing pain to the person you love. This is empathy. This is what you want to express to your friend, not just intellectual understanding

How do I address situations like this in the future?

Expressing strong opinion in a group chat

Somebody in a group chat expressed a clearly incorrect point of view or was unfair to me or others. Should I confront them in the group chat?

Why it may be a good idea?

It makes them question things. People are going to be thinking about it.


It will get people defensive, will get others engaged into a fight and will cause a big mess and little benefit. You can spark a bigger conversation and it can go out of hand. People say things over text that they wouldn’t say in person.

Better option:

Text them privately. Remember, “Everybody makes sense, for themselves”  so if something doesn't make sense to you try to understand how it makes sense for the other person, this will give you much more leverage to have a conversation and express your own opinion

If you decide to use group chat

“What if…”: ask a hypothetical question, so people are not as threatened.

If it related to everybody, group chat, if it involves you, text them personally

It’s okay to express your opposite opinion to close friends, 

What do you want to do when you grow up?

As young adults we often ask ourselves this question and sometimes it doesn't feel good to answer it, because we either don't know exactly what we want to do, and even if we do we are concerned, what if I am not going to like it?  What if I am locking myself into something and not keeping other options open?

There is a way to empower yourself with this question. The key is to understand the needs behind the potential professions that you consider.

Example 1:

I want to create something. 

Why? It makes me more real in the world, Longer lasting impact.  My creation can interact with more people than I can. 

Would you create a house? so people "interact with it"?

No. I also want novelty.  

Would you create a sculpture?

No. I also want to create something useful.

Asking these questions allow you to see what you really want to experience and what's behind it. You can take any profession you consider and ask yourself what it is that you would experience, what need / value does it have for you. You can actually list all kinds of professions and extract the values from it and put it in front of you so you can manifest a future reality for you where all these needs and values are being accounted for, even if you don't know what profession it would be.

Example 2

I want to Impact many people in a way that improves their experience of life.

Are you talking about material impact?

It's more about bringing people inspiration and reminding them of certain things. 

I want to empower. I personally overcame a lot of issues. Provide that to those who have hopeless, inspiring them with meaning of life.

How would you do it?

Educating. When somebody is in a bad place. Providing them with missing pieces.  Allowing them to see factors beyond their awareness.  

Working with individuals, groups and also being an influencer.

I also see myself as a healer, showing people the light, letting them realize that an entirely different truth is possible.

Integrative healer: spiritual, physical, holistic.

Example 3

I want to challenge my creativity, bring knowledge to people. Being a scientist. Studying things that are helpful to the world. Evolving all the time. Dig deep as an individual

I want to Inspire people, help them if they are struggling emotionally, mentally, serve people, inspire them, make their lives better

I want to have a meaningful life that goes beyond me. Dedicate energy into something I believe, like businesses. Problem solvers who go beyond their self desires. Making my life meaningful.

I don't want to feel like I am wasting my life. 

I've been very fearful, forgot that I can dream big. How am I special, different from everybody else?