
Long range super accuracy anyone?

A very versatile long range anti infantry stealth unit. Armed with a cobra sniper rifle, they are good against infantry and provide excellent scouting capabilities from the forest. Long range makes them an excellent unit


  • Very high firing range

  • Very high accuracy per shot

  • Very high view radius while stationary

  • Good movement speed

  • Extremely high damage against infantry


  • Low health

  • They cost 2 CP (Command Points)

  • Expensive

  • Long time to produce

  • Need to stand up before moving

How to use

Snipers are a very versatile unit on the battlefield, making them worth the cost and production time.

Snipers are an anti-infantry unit. They do high damage against enemy infantry from long range. If shielded by other units, they can inflict insane amounts of damage to enemy infantry. On average, snipers take 4-5 shots to kill 1 infantry unit. They are good for countering all infantry units. However, when in close proximity to enemy units, they die quickly due to their low health pool.

Snipers can move and hide in the forest, just like the other infantry of the resistance. This means that they are also capable of appearing suddenly from the forest and performing ambushes on the enemy.

The extremely large view radius of the snipers allows an extended view of the surroundings, meaning an even greater surveillance of the enemy. Due to their large firing range, it is also easy for snipers to destroy enemy infantry units from within the forest. However, the visual range of snipers is reduced when they are in the forest.

When in mass, snipers can also provide support even against vehicles, due to their high damage. When placed behind protective units such as armadillos, jaguars, grenadiers, they provide very good fire support from range.

Snipers are good at dealing damage to the enemy whilst maintaining a distance. Their high movement speed allows for a quick retreat back into the forest or any other safe place. Just make sure you give the order in time since they need to get back up after shooting their rifle.

Bunkers can be outranged. Hold position and send in a scout if necessary. Anything coming out to protect the bunker can be sniped as well.

Snipers are weak against cyclones, so they need to be protected. The snipers can be detected by fire assaults and cyclones from a distance, like the other infantry units of the resistance. They are also detectable in the forest by any enemy unit standing 1 cell away from them.

There is a threshold in numbers. Once you reach a certain number of snipers in the field, a lot can be sniped without being able to return fire. Fortresses and hammers are such examples. And even Zeus might take a lot of damage without ever getting into range to shoot at snipers. Micro is key here as well.

Recommended Upgrades

Top Priority:
Snipers are support units. Once the enemy gets to them, they are as good as dead. So it is important to upgrade their primary role. That would be doing damage. Upgrade the Cobra Sniper Rifle and the Armor Piercing Ammo for more damage. Alongside, upgrade the Sniper Optical Sight to increase accuracy as well.

The Sniper Head Gear contains a mix of upgrades. Some of which will increase accuracy again.

If your ball of Snipers is under fire. Health and Armor are still of use. Upgrade your Camouflage Suit first. You gain a lot of health this time. The Titanium Beryllium comes in second. But is recommended to do in order to complement the Camouflage Suit.

Individual First Aid kit...
Still increases health. So if you made it this far, it is worthwhile your time and money. But only after getting all the other health upgrades.
