
Found in both tournaments and PvP battles, flags require fast and aggressive tactics.

Recommended units

Flag gameplay can be very diverse, and so a variety of units can be used. The recommended early units are:

  • Riflemen

  • Coyotes

  • Dragonfly

  • Porcupine

A mix of these units early on effectively deals with infantry, while still performing well against vehicles. These units must be produced at HQ level 2.

Later during the battle, at the third headquarters level, the standard units are:

  • Jaguars

  • Porcupines

  • Hawks

It is also possible to mix in other units so you have an increase in overall numbers. If the game progresses to the late game, the standard JCP with aviation can be used


Assuming a ground map, the build can be as follows:

  • Construction yard

  • Emergency measures

  • 2-3 barracks

  • 3 supply centers

  • 1 power plant

  • 1 vehicle factory

At the third headquarters, it is possible to have:

  • 2-3 power plants

  • 5-6 supply centers

  • 1 level 2 avia factory

  • 1 level 3 assault vehicle factory

  • 1 special vehicle factory

Builds can be adjusted according to enemy troop compositions, for example to include some level 2 barracks for grenadiers, an extra special vehicle factory, etc.

How to play

After deploying the base, collect resources. Produce at least 2 coyotes, and send them to 2 separate flags, preferably close to the enemy. It is also advisable to upgrade the vehicle factory to produce Armadillos. Unfortunately, 1 fortress flattens many infantry, so Armadillos may greatly help.

In high level scenarios, it is recommended you also have 1 special factory and 1 avia factory in deployment time, along with 5 supply centers. If that's not possible, you can get them at HQ level 2. On flags, it is good most of the time to do a slow transition to level 3 HQ, while still producing some units at HQ 2. Preferably, while still at HQ 2, it is advised to produce 2-3 Dragonflies, Riflemen, Coyotes and at least 1 Porcupine. Dragonflies can clean up infantry on distant flags, making it possible for you to send 1 Rifleman for capture. Dragonflies also help against fortresses and hammers, and so are very essential.

At the third headquarters, it is possible to continuously produce the light units for a fast victory, or to transition to Jaguars and Hawks. On larger flag maps, Hawks are good for getting rid of enemy capturing units. In close flag maps, Dragonflies may provide adequate air support. In the close flag maps, it is possible to produce some mammoths for eliminating possible building rushes towards flags. However, it is generally possible to get rid of some building rushes with the help of dragonflies early on. As is noted, the Dragonfly plays a vital role in flag capture.

In an ideal scenario, it is recommended to place 1 Armadillo on each unmanned flag and cover the entrances with mines. This may fail however in the presence of Vertexes, as Hawk support would be needed. Mining flags may be the difference between losing and victory, since 1 Armadillo has the capacity to erase an army with mines. It is necessary to act fast though. At HQ 2, the Armadillo can mine the main/distant flags.

Where to keep the army? Scattered? It depends on the map. Normally, it is advised to keep majority of your army on enemy flags, while blockading him from capturing your own flags. In general, it is necessary to have good map vision and good map control. If all flags are captured, go for the enemy base to distract and buy time while the flags are unprotected.

Generally, it is possible to win flag battles quite quickly, with sufficient unit combinations backed by dragonflies. Producing a lot of rifleman as a secondary backbone can also aid victory. It is necessary however to respond to the enemy build. If the enemy opts for zeus, it is necessary to add grenadiers and/or jaguars into the mix.

It is possible to also control central map positions with gun towers. This is helpful when the enemy generally sticks to a ground army composition. With adequate scouting and interception, gun towers can be placed to control vital areas around the map's flags.

When engaging the enemy, use a common defense boost or common attack (best for pursuing). When not in confrontation with the enemy, mostly use common production boosts. If your army is scattered, make sure to keep them close enough to respond to a base attack if it happens. 1 sniper tower or gun tower at the base may also help in situations where the enemy goes for the base and your army is scattered.

In conclusion, the base units for flag battles must be Coyotes, Riflemen and Dragonflies. This rest is expanded upon based off the map size, enemy composition etc. Act quickly and with maximum aggression to succeed in flag battles