Upgrade Tips

Before we give upgrade tips please remember that each player plays in their own style. Find your own Style of Play. Confederation is about Confrontation with Power & Force.


  1. HQ is most important building. Losing it makes winning very hard and puts player on the back-burner. Try to upgrade its HP & Armour as first priority. 6 upgrade levels of HP & Armour are considered decent enough.

  2. Most noticeable upgrade is Construction Management System in Construction Yard. That is priority, especially after rank 10+ where you'll see more action on Sea. Max construction area after Resource Production in Supply Depot.

  3. "Insufficient Energy" will be most annoying thing you'll hear in the Game. One way to check power sufficiency is to calculate what buildings you can build with HQ level 1 and single Power Plant. Max out Power after Supply.

  4. Maxing out Supply in Supply Depot would be priority. "Resource Production" is important key element which takes you near to Victory. Max it out asap.

  5. Barracks is first military building you need to focus on. It gives you infantry for container collection, basic defense and cheap building for building as distraction/ alert against enemy attack. Since Container collection is most important part, hence unit production time should be priority & to be maxed as you rank up. Thereafter HP/ Armour can be upgraded up to 6 if not above, initially.

  6. Assault Vehicle Factory is your core unit production building. This is building which is priority target for enemy (Especially with Hawks/ Vertex). Unlike Barracks, we suggest to max it out with HP/Armor at 3, thereafter HP/ Armour can be upgraded up to 6, and later up to 9. Unit Production time maxing should be priority if ground army is your preference.

  7. Special Vehicle Factory is your another core unit production building special units. Unlike Resistance this is usually not a priority target building for enemy. We suggest to max it out with HP/Armor at 3, thereafter HP/ Armour can be upgraded up to 6, and later up to 9. We recommend to max out Unit Production time for earliest Typhoons & Torrents.

  8. Vertex on date are strong support unit with speed & damage superiority. Avia Factory is a priority for many Confed players in low ranks and it'll be recommended that you have Vertex in Medium/ Long Maps. We recommend HP/ Armour can be upgraded up to 6, and later up to 9. Unit Production time maxing should be priority if Air is your preference.

  9. Airfield will be first priority hit for enemy aircraft, especially Resistance. Max it's HP & Armour to atleast of 6 points of each. Fuel and repair can be upgraded based on your gameplay.

  10. Navy is ignored by many Confed players. Reasons to love Confed Naval is that delta is decent resource collector and acts as sneaky sea to ground scout. Vikings are one of the strongest units in the Game. Poseidon are units with highest HP/ Armour in the Game. Shipyard has by default higher HP/ Armour. Since Resistance do bring Alligators over certain maps, we recommend to never ignore Navy. We suggest to max HP before Armor at up to 6, and later to 9.

  11. Space System will be the ultimate go-to WMD. While Superweapon usage is a matter of debate, we suggest to start upgrading it from Gold League onwards. Given that it gets destroyed easily by Confed Avia, you will need to focus on maxing out Production Time & Damage first so each launch is quickest and punches maximum damage on enemy base.

  12. Walls are commonly used to block resistance movements across different entrances in your base. It'll help you against rushes as well as give you enough time to set up your units especially Artillery in a good position. Max out HP before Armour.

  13. An upgraded & decently placed Bunker will stop almost all rushes and deter any easy attacks. At higher ranks, Bunker can even kill bruised Jaguars if the enemy is not careful.

  14. Rocket Tower will start with 2 Rockets and can be upgraded to fire up to 4 rockets over the ranks. It can kill all Resistance buildings in a 1v1, except far placed Sniper Towers. Upgrade it to maximize splash damages to approaching armies as well as use it in Tower rushes.

  15. Confed Anti Air Tower as such has decent protection against enemy aviation even at low upgrade levels. It's not a priority since overall Confed buildings are well built against aviation attacks. HP / Armour to be maxed before anything else since it's first building to be prioritized in air raids.

  16. A pair of Max Naval Platforms will be able to defend you from early naval rushes or sneaky Lvl 2 Ships. It's can detect Submarines and can attack it afar in case you don't want to go for Vikings. Max out it's damage & range. It's AA is also pretty strong against Hawks, though you can prioritize it for later.


  1. Assault is most critical tier I unit. It is a scout & container collector. In lower ranks, it'll even be an attack unit. HP & Armour will make sure that your Assaults will live long to collect containers and to scout. Speed & High Damage will ensure that you will rush and win. In mass, Assaults can overwhelm most of the Resistance units.

  2. Heavy Assaults are anti-vehicle infantry and have high speed Rockets to also attack Dragonfly. They support armies in base defense as well as as support unit in attack forces. Upgrade them to take out enemy vehicles.

  3. Fire Assaults have few lovers and few haters. It is effective in scouting & killing hidden infantry. Some use it in addition with Zeus to reveal units in Fog or Jump Cliffs. Since it has low range, upgrade HP/ Armour before anything else.

  4. Fortress takes on infantry hits and refuses to just die. It has devastating effect on infantry formations. One can focus on HP/ Armour so that it survives longer. At higher ranks, you'll see a buffed Fortress even scouting bases with ease.

  5. Hammer, due to it's speed & single burst damage, is one of the best Confed vehicles unit for rushes, commonly seen before Legendary Leagues. In high numbers they are good counter to Jaguars, kill Armadillo rushes, can do drive-by in Enemy base killing important buildings. Basis play style, you can upgrade Hammers, since Hammers can be used as primary attack vehicle up to gold League as well as in a few Tournaments.

  6. Strongest land unit in the game, Zeus will remain a core unit in your land attacks. It has strongest land attack & durability. It loses to Alligator in a 1v1. Max it out early if you play 'single massive attack & kill everything' gameplay. Recommended to upgrade this over Hammers, if you are going to upgrade only one Assault Vehicle.