
Say no to all vehicles

Heavy infantry of the resistance. Armed with a bumblebee grenade launcher which can inflict heavy damage to enemy vehicles and buildings. Light equipment allows movement through the forests.


  • Good damage against vehicles and buildings

  • They are cheaper than heavy assaults

  • They take less time to produce than heavy assaults

  • They can move through the forest


  • Slightly less health and armor than heavy assaults

  • Less overall damage than heavy assaults

  • They cannot shoot helicopters, so they're an easy target for cyclones

  • Moving targets can dodge the grenades

How to use

The primary target of grenadiers is armored vehicles and buildings. They are most effective in frontal and flank attacks against enemy vehicles and buildings.

Grenadiers can be combined with many other unit types, such as the coyote, sniper, armadillo, jaguars, etc. They fit into many unit combinations to deal with the enemy vehicles.

If executed correctly, grenadiers can be used for rush attacks. Grenadiers in mass in the early stages of the game can overwhelm an unprepared enemy, leading to a swift victory.

Due to their forest movement, they can ambush the enemy from the forest, ideally from a weak point. Grenadiers can hide in the forest to suddenly attack enemy vehicles along paths. They can be detected in the forest from a distance by fire assaults, fortresses, cyclones and all other enemy units 1 cell away.

As they are unable to attack aircraft, cyclones are a massive threat to grenadiers. Also, fortresses in mass can be a problem if they are allowed to approach too close to your grenadiers.

Recommended Upgrades

As strange as it sounds. There is no particular order in what upgrades work best on Grenadiers. Once you upgrade these fellows. It is recommended to do all upgrades for every rank. Only the Individual First Aid Kit can be saved up for last, but even that one has health upgrades within.
