
This one learned how to sting

A light assault helicoper armed with a guided missle launcher and a 14.5mm light machine gun.


  • Certain units cannot fire back at it, thus it is a pure counter to some units

  • Has 2 weapons, machine gun for infantry and rockets for vehicles. Good against both

  • Fast and maneuverable

  • High view radius


  • Weak HP and armor

  • Vulnerable to air defense systems

  • Longer to produce than Cyclones

  • More expensive than Cyclones

How to use

Dragonfly is good for scouting and patrolling the area, as well as hard countering certain units

  • Scout and patrol - Due to the high speed and maneuverability, the Dragonfly can patrol large sectors of the map in a short time. The high view means it can see a large distance too, hence it is a very effective scouting unit.

  • High ground vision/Artillery scout - Placing a dragonfly above a cliff or on a hill without the enemy knowing it's there can lead to a very serious ambush, since the exact location of enemy forces is known. This can also allow for complete bypassing of enemy forces to strike the enemy in a weak point, leading to more successful attacks

  • Hard counter - Certain units such as Vikings, Hammers and Fire Assaults cannot fire at Dragonflies. This means that Dragonflies counter them completely, without any return fire. Dragonflies in sufficient numbers are able to kill these units rather quickly.

  • Ambush - An unexpected swarm of dragonflies striking the enemy from an unexpected area can cause high damage to the enemy. For example, attacking an enemy and destroying several power plants can be profitable and slow down enemy development.

  • Obstruction - Placing dragonflies on top of your army can make it extremely difficult for an enemy to target your ground units with fighters. This can be used to protect vulnerable and important units such as chameleons and transports
