589 Low Income Individuals & the Law

Application process



Students will be selected for this course through an application and interview process. Priority will be given to students who have some previous experience working with low-income communities or other marginalized groups in a service capacity. Relevant experience may include Student Legal Services or other volunteer or paid work. 

Applications, addressed to the attention of Professors Lund and Weaver, may be made by submitting a curriculum vitae, law transcripts (unofficial is acceptable; law transcripts may come later in case of first year applicants) and a letter of intent outlining why you are interested in this clinical program and how your experiences (legal or otherwise) have prepared you to succeed in it.

Completed applications, including letters of intent, should be submitted electronically, labelled “Low Income Clinical” in the subject heading of your email, and sent to lawsupp@ualberta.ca by 4pm on Friday, March 31, 2023 extended to Friday, July 14, 2023.

Selected applicants will be interviewed by: Professors Lund and Weaver; and a representative from each of ECLC, LAA and CPLEA. Final selections will be made in the spring of 2023, so that students can make alternative arrangements if they are not selected for this course. Course registration will occur once the interview process is complete. If the course becomes full, a waiting list of up to five students will be maintained. Waiting list students may be able to join the class if students drop from the course by the final drop deadline in the Fall 2023 term. However, students who wish to be placed on the waitlist must attend the Pre-Clinical Orientation and Training Session. 

If we do not fill the course through the first set of applications received in March, we will open the application process to receive a second set of applications in August. We will also consider transfer, visiting and exchange students at that time.