Foundations Of Art

I think that my work for Foundations of art illustrates my strengths skill wise, being able to make nice looking pieces that meet the requirements of the assignments. These pieces demonstrate skill with drawing, and creativity. This work illustrates my weaknesses by not being done. There are a couple unfinished or missing assignments that I don't really care about, which shows my weakness in getting things done and being responsible. I think some of my pieces are rushed and not very good, which demonstrates being lazy as another weakness.

I think that it is hard to tell what counts as improvement, because there are different types of art here, and the most important art assignment of the year doesn't exist. I think there was de-iprovement, just because I think I lost creativity and motivation at the end of the year. However I do think that my 3D projects are a sort of improvement from others, such as the Surrealism project because working 3D is a lot more fun for me, and i'm not patient enough for paint.

The most challenging project was definitely the surrealism project, I didn't even finish it. I think the reason that I struggled so much with this project is because I overestimated myself, and thought that I would be able to paint something very detailed realistically. This was also something that I struggled with for my first draft of the Duck Stamp project. If I had done something less detailed and in a smaller scale, I probably wouldn't have lost interest and given up on it.

I am most proud of a couple of my projects, but one that stands out is the Fibonacci Rainbow for the 84 Colors Project. I really like that project because I spent a lot of time on that and it turned out really well. It took me a long time to get an idea, and then it also took me a long time to do the math so that it was acually the golden ratio. It also took a very long time to paint, but I like how it turned out because the paint is really smooth and you can't see through to the canvas at all. I also really like my Wire Sculpture, because it took me a long time to do that one and it turned out really good. (I also got a compliment from Minka on that project and that was pretty cool) That one was fun because it was a sculpture project, and I like doing sculpture stuff.

My goal for the future is to practice drawing and figure out what sort of medium is my favorite. I would like to make a lot more art that isn't a reference to something else, and I want to come up with individual stuff. I have a lot of time of the summer to practice so I will probably mostly work on graphite drawings and some sculpture things using different materials.