Sgraffito Sculpture

Chicken Pheonix 


clay, underglaze, and watercolor



rebirth as an ugly baby


Dragon Tile


clay and underglaze

This is what I made for the sgraffito sculpture project. The first part of this project was making a sgraffito tile, and I chose a dragon for that. The second part of the project was to make a sculpture and put a design on it, and I chose a fat chicken with the life cycle of a phoenix around it. 

The materials for my scraffito tile are clay, black underglaze, and clear glaze. The materials for my sculpture were clay, black underglaze, and watercolor paint. 

The design I picked for my scraffito tile doesn't match my sculpture because I decided what I wanted to make for that after the tile was finished. I made a snake dragon because I wanted to make something with scales in arder to use a pattern similar to something that I used on my sgraffito tile in foundations of art. I wanted to make something phoenix related for my actual sculpture, but I knew that sculpting an actual phoenix wouldn't work because it would be too fragile. I chose a fat chicken instead, because I thought it would be funny and it's also a bird.  The original plan for my sculpture was for it to all be sgraffito, and just black and white. The reason I changed that was because the underglaze got too dry, and it would chip off whenever I tried to make small details. I ended up removing most of the underglaze on the top of it, making four panels to show the rebirth of a phoenix. Then I used watercolor paint to paint each panel, and I think that using color was a much better idea than leaving it black and white.