Carved Coil Pot

For this project, I made a coil pot and then carved it. I have made coil pots before, but I used one long coil. This is the first time I've  ever used rings of clay and stacked them on top of each other. I prefer this method, because it's easier to avoid a weird bump at the top, and you don't have to worry as much about the clay drying out. 

I started by making a circular base, and then stacking rings of clay and smoothing them together. This is the first project where I used that thing on the wall that makes long pieces of clay that are good for coils. Once I had finished that and it was leather hard, I carved the design of my clown into the pot. I did this on the spot, so I don't really have a sketch, I just knew I was going to carve a clown. I started by glazing all the carved lines with HF-1, which is black. For the hair and nose, I used HF-165, which is bright red, and the white HF-11 for the face and hands. I used SM-63 and SM-44, which is yellow and green respectively, for the shirt. Those were all the same colors I used for the multiple pinch project, however this pot has a lot more colors on it. The first new color that I used was SM-21 for the pants, which is blue. I also used clear glaze on the cuffs of the shirt, because I want them to be off-white. Other colors that I used include ...

I decided to use satin matte glazes for the clothes and shiny glaze for the face for the same reason as the multiple pinch project. It makes it seem like the clothes have a different texture, which I think is cool.

to be continued...

in progress

in progress

in progress

in progress