Donate Life

Happiness Clwon

9" x 12"

Watercolor and Micron Pen on Paper

This is a project I did for the Donate Life competition. I picked a clown with the statement "spread happiness with organ and tissue donation" which really doesn't make sense because it's a clown and most people are scared of them.

The materials I used for this project are watercolor paint and micron pen on watercolor paper. I also had to do some editing in photoshop afterword because I forgot a border and I wrote too small.

I picked a clown because I've been using a clown in all my projects so far. I forgot to put the border on my original project because I was not paying attention to the directions so I added it in on photoshop, as well as fixing the writing. One thing I would change about this project is the color of the green stripes on my clown's shirt. They should be yellow, but I totally forgot while I was doing it. This project is named Happiness Clwon because I am the king of typos.
