

1.5" x 10" x 10"???

This project is meant to represent duality, so I picked the directions up and down and left and right for it. I also chose black and white for the colro scheme. I started this project by making a very small sketch, which looks different from the final project, mostly because I ended up doing the glazing differently, and also because I didn't add a lid. 

I constructed it by rolling out slabs using the slab roller. The bottom piece is made of a slab that wasn't wide enough, so I cut it in half and stuck both pieces next to each other but forgot to score them. Luckily that didn't end up becoming a problem because it only split along the bottom a tiny bit. I cut the shape out using a pattern I made from paper. All the sides are also made of slabs, but I rolled them out so that they're thinner than the base. I attached all of those and then made it as smooth as I could. When it was fired, I used the black glaze C-1 on the reight and left arrows, and the white glaze C-10 on the up and down arrows. I originally had the black glaze wider in the middle, and it covered the four inner corners, but I changed it when I was working it because I wanted the white to be more equal.

I like how this project turned out, however I regret switching how I did the black glaze, because I think that it would look better. So if I redid the project and changed something, it would be the glaze. I would also try to work faster, because this project dried out a bit when I was working on it, so some of the edges aren't sharp and smooth. I also would have made a lid for it, so that it matched my sketch better. But overall, I do like it.


in progress

in progress

in progress


outline & finished piece