Paper Sculpture #1



Paper and Tape

6" x 6" x 8"

This is my paper sculpture that describes my first semester this year. The word I picked was crazy. 

The material for this project was white paper, and I used tape to hold it together. 

I wanted it to seem like it was a ball bouncing everywhere in a box, so I used a strip of paper to seem like the trail that marked where the ball was bouncing. The ball is the circle at the front of the sculpture. I had a spiral in my sketch that ended with an arrow to show direction, but I completely forgot about about it while working on the prject because I wanted to add a mobius strip at the top. I added another circle with lines to make it seem like it was moving on the mobius strip, which would drive anyone crazy because the would just be moving on one surface infinitely. I realized after that it looks more like a comet. I added the clown in the middle. He's just standing there while all this random crazy stuff is happening around him.