Soft Slab Construction


clown mugs

For this project, I made soft slab mugs. I took rolled out rectangles of clay and wrapped them around tennis ball containers, and the put them on bases in order to make mugs.  I added handles to all of the mugs, and also clowns to the inside of two of them. (one didn't work out)

Since I put clowns in the bottom of two of my mugs, I had to sculpt clowns and put them on the base before attaching the actual slab part to it. The handle on my third mug is wider that the other two so that I can paint a clown on it. The clown in the first mug is the full guy, this mug is my favorite. In the other bug, I only put a large version of a clown's head, but he died a terrible death in the form of explosion, so that mug is just glazed to match the colors of the other two. In order to not drag out this paragraph too long by listing all the glazes, I will put them at the bottom of the page. 

I am happy with the result of the final product. I like how the clown in the bottom turned out, I was still able to make it detailed even though it was very difficult to glaze. The only thing that I think I would change is the color I picked for the inside. I wanted the inside of the mugs to be a dark color, but I should have picked a blue instead because I think black is too dark. It makes the clown look a bit evil. The color of the rim looks really good, but I also think the bright red on the outside of the mug is a bit too much. I think it's kind of fitting, because they're clown themed, but it is a really bright red so the mugs look crazy.

in progress

in progress

in progress

in progress

in progress

Glaze colors:

Red: HF-165

Black: HF-1

White: HF-11

Clear: HF-10

Satin Matte Yellow: SM-63

Satin Matte Green: SM-44

Satin Matte Blue: SM-21

Yellow: C-60