Pure Contour

Three Views of a Shoe

Materials: 4H and 6B graphite drawing pencils, stick eraser

Size: Front and side 12"x 9" and top 9"x 12"

Hand Holding a Band

Materials: 4H and 6B graphite drawing pencils, stick eraser

Size: 9"x 12"

Artist Statement: Hand Holding a Band

I loved how this piece turned out in the end and if I am being honest it is one of the best hands I have ever drawn. I think every part of it turned out well in the end and the more I look at it, the more I like it. This drawing has three parts to it: the hand, the band, and the sweatshirt. I really like how the sweatshirt sleeve turned out in this drawing, I think that it adds another level of detail that is still within the guidlines of a pure contour drawing.

For materials I used a 4H and a 6B drawing pencils. I first made a very sketchy hand made out of simple shapes with the 4H pencil that I later then outlined with the 6B peencil and made all of the details with. I think I should have used a piece of paper under my hand when I was drawing with the 6B pencil because there is some visable smudging on the drawing.

For this piece I tried my hardest to stay within th eguidlines for a pure contour drawing. I think it did turn out a little too sketchy to be a perfect pure contour but I think that it didn't effect the overall affect of the pure contour style on the drawing. Overall I enjoyed making this piece of artwork because I really enjoy drawing hands for some reason. Also I am overjoyed at the way it turned out and as I said in the first paragraph I think it is one of my better hand drawings and that is saying something especially when my other hand drawings I do have shading while this one doesn't.