Digital Painting

Reference Photo

Digital Self Portrait

(Final Piece)


3900px x 5700px

Artist Statement:

While making this piece the main goal was to learn how to digitally paint in photoshop and increase my skill using the program. The point of this project was to take an image of me and use photoshop to pull colors and paint over it.

For this project I used primarily the brush, bucket, and eye dropper tools in photoshop to choose and lay down my colors.

After taking the photo and putting the image into photoshop I started the digital painting process by going top down on my head starting with my hat ad going to my shirt. After I was done with my head and shoulders I made the background using the rectangle tool in photoshop. The only real thing I had trouble with were the skin tones and I did end up changing them slightly later on in the piece. If I were to do it again I would probably choose just two skin tones rather than the several I ended up going with. My favorite part of the piece is definetly the hat and the hair.