Donate Life Design

Sharing is Caring

Materials: 5mm mechanicle drawing pencil, 05 and 005 drawing pens, brush pen markers

Size: 12" x 9"

Artist Statement

From the moment I heard what to do for this competition I knew exactly what I would make. So, what I made was a morphing heart. It starts out as a realistic human heart, then it morphs into a heart that looks more like the comic heart, and then finally, it morphes into the sterotypical comic heart. I made this piece by first sketching out all three hearts, I then did the linework for the hearts, and finally colored them in.

I used a 5mm machanical graphite drawing pencil for the sketches of the hearts. I then used the 05 drawing pen for the larger lines of teh heart, and the 005 for the finer lines. I colored the hearts in using some brush pen markers.

I am really proud of myself for how this piece turned out. My favorite part about this piece is the first, more realistic, heart. I had a lot of fun drdawing this heart and the result was practically perfect. If I had to change one thing about this piece, I would morph the middle one more towards the comic heart side of the spectrum because I feel like the middle heart still looks a little too realistic. Overall, I am happy with this piece and how it turned out, my handwriting is not so hot though.