Extended Blind Contour

Blind Contour Drawing

12" x 18"

Oil Pastel on Watercolor Paper

Extended Drawing

12" x 18"

Oil Pastel on Watercolor Paper

*there will be a better photo of the Extended Drawing uploaded when I get the chance to take another one

Artist Statement:

I started this piece by drawing five blind contours of people. I then extended them by adding more lines, giving them more shape, and coloring it in.

For materials I used strictly oil pastel. Even for the blind contours I used black oil pastel and then also for all of the colors.

I really enjoyed making this piece as it was my first deep dive into using oil pastel. I really like the way they lay down color and how they spread and smear nicely if rubbed. I am really glad with my choice of making the background geometric shapes filled in with solid colors and the eyes that are not colored and the lack of mouths on many of the people add to the overall "mood" of the piece.