Beautiful Oops

The End of the World

Materials: Graphite, Colored Pencils, Black Ink

Size: (I have to measure it next time I have class because it is hanging up in the hallway)

Artist Statement: The End of the World

For this project I pretty much knew what I was going to draw the moment I was handed the "oops". From the blob of black ink I was given I immeadiatly saw a meteor and the rest of the picture just fell into place. From the idea of having the blob as a meteor I immediatly thought of the dinosaurs. So I based the vegetation in the picture off of the steriotypical tropical, exotic, dinosaur vegetation. After I finished the vegetation, mountains, river, and plain I was like, wait, what about the dinosaurs! So I drew a few dinosaurs so far off in the distance so I didn't have to detail them.

For the materials I used a 4H graphite drawing pencil that I used to draw the entire image before coloring it in. For the color just used som colored pencils. For my drawings I usually don't like using color and mostly stick with just graphite, but I wanted to try something new.