2D Design

A Creature with a Boy's Head and a Crab's Body

Hand in an Interesting Gesture

The Dwarf from Snow White and Rose Red

Lady Slipper

Semester 1 Reflection:

This class, more than any other art class I have taken, has developed my artistic skill and knowledge of art and its forms. I have tried many more materials than in the past as well as more styles. I have also tried to include more intetional meaning behind each piece and make the viewer think much more about what they seeing.

I feel like I have most successful with my ideas behind each piece; I wanted to create a story with each piece I made, especially my sustained investigations. I think this is because I spent more time developing my ideas with more sketches and research, and, like on my third sustained investigation, make multiple variations before making the final piece. I think I struggled the most with my backgrounds this semester. Until my last sustained investigation, I just couldn't think of what to put behind my subject and, for some reason, I just couldn't execute any of the ideas I did come up with for a background.

My artistic goals for the future look less like 2D art and probably more like wood working and carpentry as those interest me more currently than drawing and such flat art forms. I think this change is mostly because I find it more useful, to me, if I make stuff that I can actually use, right now I am restoring an old table that someone in my family picked up at a yard sale, and I have another project that I want to do which is making a ski race for my nordic skis. I am definetly excited about moving into this new artform and I am hoping it'll stick with me for the rest of my life.