Extended Blind Contour Drawing

Extended Blind Contour Project

Oil Pastel and Watercolor

12'' x 18''

The blind contour lines were what guided my artwork. I wanted to bring out the color and shapes in the piece by using the right medium and drawing certain shapes. I wanted to create a more abstract scene, yet still know some aspects of the surroundings. The contour lines form a more abstract feeling, while the birch tree landscape brings it back to reality. I like how the dark purple sky in the sunset creates a mysterious or even ominous aura about it.

I began with a 12'' by 18'' blank piece of drawing paper. The materials I used to begin this project were oil pastels. I drew with black oil pastel to produce the blind contour lines shown on the page. I used watercolor to finish the art piece by filling in the white spaces. The extra color and detail added to the overall expression of the piece. 

The process I went through to create the final piece began with the blind contour lines. By observing the specific specimen, and without looking at the paper I drew the faces and hands shown above. The free and unbalanced oil pastel lines shape an abstract piece of art. It can be left to be interpreted in many different ways. I added the birch trees to compliment the abstract with actuality. When you first look at this piece you may realize the environment is a birch tree forest with a setting sun. But then the black oil pastel lines form a complexity that wouldn't be there without it.