Circle Design

Thumbnail sketches

Beauty in a Circle

Colored pencils on drawing paper

9" x 12"

This project began with the idea of circles. I had to incorporate circles into this piece, and that is what a lot of my ideas were influenced by. I liked the idea of drawing a circular fish bowl, clock, and window. I was also inspired by my aunt's art. She paints many fish bowls and I love the way they look with the reflection of light. With this in mind, I attempted to draw all of these circular comments placed around the page. 

When drawing this piece, I began with a graphite pencil to sketch the general outlines. I then used prisma colored pencils to detail and fill in the rest of the paper. 

The process I went through began with the brainstorming of circular objects. I thought a fishbowl, window, and clock would look nice arranged together on a page. I used a bit of inspiration from online but mostly went off what I thought these things looked like. I then drew these components and colored them in a variety of colors. I tried to add vibrant colors I thought would look nice together such as the orange fish, purple wall, and green mountains.