Paper Reflection Sculpture


8" x 6" x 5"

Black drawing paper, hot glue

When creating this I was guided by the word busy. This past semester can be described as busy and that idea influenced the work. I thought black would represent this word well as well as the repeated cones stacked together. I also thought the negative space created by the hole puncher would make it even more busy-looking. 

I used black drawing paper to make this sculpture. I folded and created spirals and hot glued them together to make this structure. I also used a hole puncher and cut out many little designs and patterns. 

I started out reflecting on this past semester and found an accurate word that represented it. The word busy came to mind and I sketched out a few ideas. I chose one and went with it. In the process of creating and cutting this out, my plan shifted a bit. I decided to use the hole puncher to represent my word better as well.