2D Design

Semester 1 Reflection

I have had a lot of fun creating art over the course of this semester. I learned a variety of skills including the elements of design. In 2D we focused on art that exists on a flat surface and the elements and principles of art and design. With my art, I have struggled to incorporate certain elements of design like lines and dots. I tend to stick to realism and often overlook adding lines, dots or shapes. Another problem encountered this semester is time management. It’s important to make time for art. While I did always make time for it, I sometimes rushed or sacrificed sleep. I learned that it’s better to cut out time and focus on art so it is completed in a better manner. 

There were also many successes over this semester in 2D. Artwise, I did well incorporating color and value into my pieces. For example, in my circle design project, duck stamp, or nature investigation #2 I made sure to integrate color and saturation. I also did well setting certain artistic goals and reaching them. I had a lot of fun and was pretty successful in my art investigations. I explored nature and created three pieces of art that delved into the inspiring qualities of nature. I think I was successful with all three but more specifically #1 and #3. I cut out more time and committed to these pieces and am proud of the results. Although the bark did break in my third art piece, I think the same theme is still conveyed. While there were many successes in this class, the difficulties led to learning and future goals. 

A few artistic goals moving forward include the integration of more elements of design into my design art pieces. For example, more shapes, lines, and dots help enhance certain art. I have also always worked toward creating art that is more personal to me. I feel like art that is more connected and personal to its artist is more interesting and compelling to its viewers. I aim to create art that is more closely tied to me and can help share a message. While I do think my sustained investigation pieces conveyed a personal message, I look forward to creating more art that shares more personal and meaningful messages.