
Super Modern Treehouse

Graphite pencils on paper

In this piece I was propted and Super Ultra modern high tech Treehouse. I drew a big tree with some housing pods that are connected together. I was sure to add something rustic that would usually be in a tree so I also added a little tire swing. The modern door on the bottom of the tree goes into the tree and has a piral staircase to get to the first pod which is the kitchen. then there is an outside staircase to the next pod which is the bed room. The next staircase goes to the last pod which has a fireplace and storage.

I used a normal graphite mechanical pencil with printer paper. I didn't use anything to stop smudges but I think it looks cool with all the smudges, it gives kid of a wind looking vibe. I used the pencil to shade and to use for details on the tree.

I started this drawing from the trunk of the tree and went up from there. once I got to the leaves of the tree I sketched lines on top of lines and it looked a lot like a tree. I made the tre really big so the structure would fit in more with the background.