Negative space

Negative Space Hand

Negative space Leaves

On this piece I drew negative space leaves. I found five leaves in my back yard and I taped them onto a piece of paper and then looked at the the paper with the leaves and copied it onto another piece of paper using a pencil. Then I used the shader and shaded around the leaves to make a cool shadow-like drawing.

For this piece I used a 2H pencil to sketch out the leaves and once I was happy with what I had then I proceeded to use a 4B pencil to darken the lines. I made the lines dark enough with enogugh graphite so I could use the shading tool and go around all the sides.

For this drawing I did only the negative space so there were absolutly no lines in beyond the outside lines that was the outline of the leaves. This is why the leaves look like one big blob with a couple holes in the middle because the leaves had holes.