Designing Abstraction

Design matrix

Flower Pattern Face

iPad pro, apple pencil, procreate

In tbis project I had to first do a grid of a bunch of different drawings that corrospond with the word prompts. I couldn't think of anything for all the others but pattern-color and two others. I liked the flower design that I drew so I went with that. At first I just did the flower pattern and I didn't think that was enough so I drew a face to be the center piece. The face also has some flowers in the hair and some other colorful things

First I drew the flowers and used black for the outlines and colored all the flowers with yellow for the inside and two different shades of blue for the pedals. Then I designed a face that I wanted and did some simple shading. The hair looked too bland at first so I added some things to the hair for some color. I then blured the first layer (the flower pattern) so it wouldn't interfere with the colors on the face. Lastly I made the background pink so the spots that weren't filled with flowers didn't look empty.

For the materials all I used was my iPad pro and my apple pencil and procreate for the application.