Sustained investigation #6

Pastel guy

Pastel markers for bold color

For this project I did a different looking character than usual by making the character more pudgy than ususal. I ususally make my characters long and skinny but I steered away from that this time. Another thing I wanted to change up was the common theme of having my characters with all black outlines. I decided to do a fully red outline and make it look more "cartoony".

For materials I used these pastel markers that I found in my house I had never used them on paper I ususally use them to paint rocks but I wanted to see how they would look on paper even though they are not meant for paper.

I started with a sketch of the character by doing a big oval and filling it in with detail. Then I erased the oval and made more details around the outside of the body. I colored the whole character in with its repective colors before I did the red outlines to make it pop more. I didn't do a background with this piece because I wanted the focus to only be on the character.