Fashion Investigation

Character #1


Riding his car


Hydro flask

pastel Guy



This semester of Adavanced art and design I really improved from the start of the sustained investigations to the most recent ones. Toward the beginning of the sustaintained investigation is when I had the most motivation to do the work every project. That is why I made a lot of improvement between SI #1 and SI #2. I really worked at it everyday because I had a lot of ideas. After a while I had a lot more work for other classes and I had less motivation to do my art. I wish I would have prioritized my art but it was hard.

I also know I could have branched out with my materials that I used but a lot of materials I wanted to use would have taking a lot longer and I wouldn't get my work done in time. A big problem I had was procrastinating and ending up having to use what I have at home and not using something from the classroom. Next semester I would definitely like to branch out to making art on clothes and making much bigger peices. I would also like to start prioritizing art over other classes to get the peices done and not have to rush them.

Over this past semester I have recieved feedback that I have sometimes followed and sometimes not followed. This semester I would like to look back on the feedback and follow it a little closer and not just forget about it because it is not what I usually do. Something I really need to focus on is the background of my Si's. I want to put my characters or animals in a setting and have them interacting with the background and not just have the background be there just to be there. My favorite peice from this semester was my dyno painting. I like the detail and that I didn't reference anything, just used my imagination.