Sustained investigation #7 


For this drawing, I did a character that was going to be laying on a cloud in the sky but I didn't have enough time for the sky. So, he is floating in the sky alone. I usually do my characters gushing with color so I decided to switch it up and do this guy greyscale. I really concentrated on shading to bring him to life because I didn't have any color other than grey. I thought I did a pretty good job with the shading I actually surprised myself. Maybe some of the best shading I've ever done. 

I used Copic markers and markers from the classroom that are similar to Copic markers. I used these because they are easy to layer on top of each other to shade well. 

I began this piece by making a rough sketch in my sketchbook and I was struggling with what to put on his feet. I was supposed to be getting a shipment on the same day with shoes called foam runners so I decided just to use those as the shoes to feed my excitement. I also started by having short hair on the character but the proportions were off and I needed him to have a big head or big hair to go with the rest of the body and because of the angle he couldn't have a big head or it would look really weird so I went with crazy locks which would go all over the place a create a look like he has crazy hair and that checked the proportions box. I then colored the character in starting with the head and working down from there.