Time Capsule

Self portrait

Graphite on drawing paper

Airpods case

Graphite on drawing paper

With these two pieces of art I was supposed to draw my face and an object around me. I drew my face while I was looking in the mirror and what made it really different from other portraits is that I have my mask on which really makes it unique. Also it made it easier to have my mask on because I didn't have to draw my mouth and nose. The other drawing I did was an Air Pods case. This is a still life and I drew it as realistic as possible. This meant that I had shade. I shadded where the light wasn't and I made little light spots which was the reflection of the lights above my head.

To draw these two pieces I used a generic graphite mechanical pencil and I also used my finger to make the shading more realistic and soft. I used my eraser on the still lif to make light spots for the over head lights that were shining down in the glossy case.

The way that I went through and did my self portrait was by first making a rough outline and once I had the right shape I started to make the shapes of my facial features. I did ym eyes and the shape of my nose and then did my mask over the mid section of my nose and erased the details of my nose and just did the shade of my nose on my mask. For the Air Pods case I did the rough shape and then used the best shape and did the details of the lines and shading of the case.