sustained investigation #15


Acrylic Paint, canvas

In this piece I wanted to use some of the critiques that I received from past sustained investigation critique sessions. Some of my past works that have more than one character have had no more than two characters in one piece. So I decided to go with three characters ad they are all helping one pick a piece of a flower. Another critique I got was that I don't usually do female characters so I added a female character in the middle hoisting up the boy picking the flower.

 For materials, all I used was canvas and acrylic paint. I did this to bring out the colors and make it look simple.

I sketched this drawing in my sketchbook to start off and I did this by turning my sketchbook horizontally. I never really made faces on the characters because I couldn't figure out what to do for the faces. So when I sketched the drawing onto the canvas I just stuck with no faces and I just made the whole thing more simple. Before I sketched the drawing I used blue paint and covered the whole canvas with blue for the sky. I then sketched on top of that and did all the flowers and the characters. I painted left to right in no specific order when I colored everything. Overall I'm not very happy with how the whole thing turned out because it was really hard to do the right shapes for the characters and the way they sit but I guess that's why it doesn't look as good as I wanted it to.