Club Competition Standings and Youth BAR

Post date: 29-Aug-2012 11:28:07

With only 3 events left in this season the club confined competitions are reaching the climax. Some have already been won, but there are a few still in the balance.

Mens Championship - Won by the unstoppable Steve Cairns.

Ladies Championship - Anne Chisholm leads from Ros Carey and only needs to finish the last 2 counting events to win overall.

Handicap - Steve Cairns leads at present, although it is mathematically possible for Ally Little to beat him if he won the 2 remaining events.

Best All Rounder - Won by Steve Cairns. (Ewan Taylor could equal him on point by winning the remaining races, but Steve would still be first having had more race wins this season).

Hill Climber - With 2 of the 4 events still to go this is wide open, so make sure you turn up for the Dupplin and Bowerswell events.

Youth Best All Rounder - This competition isn't one that has been regularly updated, so apologies to the boys who are taking part, but the standings are very close so it's worth knowing who can still win. The winner is based on the total of the best 3 short TTs plus the best 3 hilly TTs.