Unicorn the world is getting too sensitive soon I won’t be able shirt
He did get in to it with his ex-friend. And I wish it had a better ending or a I had better sense to never let it go to the point I allowed it to. After twenty years of marriage and raising two kids and always being a good provider I was having some joint issues and was having trouble simply moving around or holding a cup of coffee. A bit depressing at the time. My wife said she wasn’t happy and wanted a divorce so she could go out and enjoy her life and freedom. I gave it to her. It was the best thing she ever did for me. I recovered in time and due to much rehabilitation. My kids stayed with me. I eventually got out and met lots of people making many new friends and at eleven years later I married a woman that’s the true love of my life. Oh when the divorce was final my ex told me I was going to have to marry her back. I declined. Never take one back that leaves you for greener pastures in your time of need.