My favorite snowboarding buddies call me dad shirt

I observe her take a couple of drinks and hand it back. I asked, “So, what’s in the cup?” She replies “A slushie” – “Oh really, what kind?” to which she tells me “The blue kind.” I stand up and tell her I think she will live to see another day because when they make those slushies, they have to add an ingredient to flavor is, which changes the drink a specific color. I then just blurted it out. “Honey, there is nothing wrong with you nor do you have any intraoral diseases or anything to worry about for that matter. Your tongue is “discolored” – your tongue is blue, you are drinking a blue slushie. It’s not permanent, it’s not dangerous, it will go away a couple of hours after you’re done with the drink, so you’re free to go.” And with that, they walk about just as happy as can be. What confuses me the most is that her mother is a very intelligent individual.