Cat running because murder is wrong shirt
She jumped in and we arrived on time for her to take her final exams. She thanked me and said that if she didn’t take this make-up test today, she’d lose years of work. She told me she had missed the first test because her mom had passed away. She left me her dad’s phone number. When I arrived at work, I called and told him what happened and where her VW Bug was stuck in the mud. About a year later, one of my foster kids decided to dump fish tank gravel into the kitchen sink garbage disposal and turn it on. I called “Royal Flush Plumbing” randomly from the telephone book and they came out to give me an estimate to fix it all. An older, chubby, gentleman, slightly out of breath, showed up and climbed up under my sink to investigate the damages. I’m ashamed to say, but I cannot remember his real name; so, we’ll just call him John. As John started to get up, he looked as if he was going to faint and seemed a bit too wobbly. I asked him if I should call an Ambulance and he said no, no, he was diabetic and had skipped breakfast. I offered him juice and asked if I could fix him some eggs. He took the juice, declined the eggs and asked to use my telephone.