Buffalo Bills 2021 AFC east division champions players signature shirt

these are the Buffalo Bills 2021 AFC east division champions players signature shirt besides I will buy this kids that fetishize Japan they speak it they watched japenese dubbed anime they won’t shut up about death note or my hero and they run down the halls naruto style also don’t mess with them not only do they have the power of anime they also have god the stoners are my personal favorite because they chill as hell they’re basically always high and if they’re not they are currently getting high in the bathroom my god stay away from them not because they are bad they’re just so goddamn annoying constantly talking about followers or the fyp these guys are chill they’re always talking about new games and how they’re gonna customize they’re pc and stuff like that just don’t say consoles are better and you should be good

Buy this shirt: https://nemoshirt.com/product/buffalo-bills-2021-afc-east-division-champions-players-signature-shirt/

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