Up and down and wound so tight is that YO-YO we played with as a child. Yet as we go through our day, we too are up and down and wound so tight, that at times we fill like our heads will explode. Like a YO-YO off we go in our own little world. We fret over the little things and then we complain when things just don’t go right. So we go over here and then over there looking for a way to fix that little problem. That seemed beyond fixing or out of our price range to fix. It just seems so impossible to find the right solution to mend that problem.

We cry out to God to fix that problem for us, yet our prayers seem to go off into the wind. Then we start to blame God for not caring enough to help us out of that problem. Again like a YO-YO we give it to God then take it back to try an mend it on our own. God wants us to stop the completing and come to him and no one else. Give it to him and leave it with him. He will mend those broken hearts and lead you where he wants you to go for him. Allow the Holy Spirit to lead you to do God’s will and those little problems that are beyond repair will be fixed.

Don’t be a YO-YO and go back and forth and get so wound tight that you can not hear what the Spirit is saying to you! No need to run here and there, get down on your knees and Praise the Lord for all he is doing for you!

For God can do the impossible when we leave it with him!

Are you a YO-YO that is going back and forth and wound so tight?

“Copyright 2009”

Jacqueline L. Greek

June 2, 2009

Since February of this year I have had a major oil leak with my car. I had the valve cover replaced and still it was leaking more like pouring out when the car is idling. It was getting worst and by May I was putting in about 4 quarts a week depending on how much I ran the car.

At one point I was just thanking God that my car don't leak oil any more! I was going by faith not but sight, but soon that wore off. The more I thank God for that the more it leaked.

I was complaining about it, and demanding that God would fix it somehow. My Neighbor thought it was a seal that needed replace on the oil pan, I bought the seal then my neighbor decided he didn’t want to try and fix it. He thought part of the engine had to come out in order for him to do that. So I took that seal back to the store.

I Gave the car to God and just ran the car. The more oil that leak the more I complained to God about it. Then one night I was in a Christian room on pal-talk there was a word that someone was complaining. She didn’t say who it was, but I knew it was me.

I had taken my Car to my mechanic and he told me it was the main rear oil seal that was leaking and he told me that being I have over 185,000 miles on this car it was not worth putting in $300 to $500 to get it fixed.

I did not know what to do, I called around and found one place just for labor alone it was $300. And they really did not have the time to do it. Nor did I have the money to have it done. I could not find anyone that could do it. I knew I had to stop complaining and just give it to God and leave it with him. That is what I did. Then I asked God what do you want me to do for you? He told me call Judy which I did she need help in moving.

The following day, I went to help my friend to move and borrowed a jeep from another friend of mine. The jeep was jerking and my friend told me it was because she has not driven it that much. Well we unloaded the porch swing she had loaded in the jeep for our friends that were moving. And we all went to get into the jeep to go down to the house to get a load of dresser drawers.

My two friends and another man got in the jeep with us. I made a remark jokingly about the jeep jerking, and we would all become jerks, the man his name is Bill, said I can fix that I am mechanic, Bill looked to be in his early 20’s so I then again joking asked him can you fix my car? He said sure what needs fix, so I told him expecting the answer like yea right, I can't do that. But I got was yes I can fix it, I then asked him how much, he said $50.00 I said to him are you joking he said no, I am just starting to open up my garage next week and you can be my first customer! And by word of mouth is good advertising.

So I told him, I would get the parts and oil filter and such, he gave me his phone number to call him when I can get the car in. So I got everything I needed and was just taking a drive to see where this place was. I found it and he happen to be there with his dad. I mention to him I could drop off the car the next day about 11 am unless he wanted to take the car now and give me a ride home, so his dad road back with me and took my car back to the garage where they would fix it. He told me that he and his son want to help those on Social Security that can not afford to get their cars fix, and that is why they were not charging me so much.

Now that is God moving, I had to put down my self and hand that car over to God and then do what God wanting me to do was offer myself to help a friend move. Then God put me in the right place at the right time.

I was like a YO-YO going back and for the with God over this car, I would give it to him then call everyone I knew to see if they could fix it. Then I when I finally said Lord forgive me for the complaining and This car is yours to do with what you want. If I am to run until the engine blows then so be it. I then left it with God and just starting thanking him for this car he had providing for me, not thanking him for a new car like I had done last week and for the last several months.

Then I asked God what can I do for you? What is that you want me to do?

Then I was able to hear what the Holy Spirit was saying to me, so I called my friend that was moving and asked her if she needed help moving and she said she did, that she could use my help on getting her dresser drawers moved. She was only moving a half a block, I could not see her walking up with the drawers so I told her I would get them with my car.

I could not get a hold of her by phone on Friday so I walked up to see what time she needed me, she told me to come back at 5 pm. I told her I would that I would ask Kathy if I could use her jeep we can get so much more in her jeep then my little car.

That is where God took care of the rest. I needed to just do what God wanted me to do and leave the rest to him! The peace that passes all understanding!

It is now June 9th and God is fixing that Car so it will run like it is brand new. There was much more work that needed to done that I had no idea how unsafe my little car was. But God knew, he had it fixed. It did cost me a little more then $50. It was $105.00. But this man of God knew I needed a safe car, he seen that the bolts on the engine mount were shatter and one missing, he also seen that the stabilizer (sway) bar was broke he replace that as well changed the transmission fluid and filter, rotated the tires and tighten the lug nuts that were all lose. All he needs now is to get the transmission to line up right.

June 15, Bill found out why he could not get the transmission to line up right, the frame was way off on the front end of my car, He had to find someone to wield it and put in the bolts that had come out. He also found the caliper on the driver side was sticking so he order another to fix that, I had the passenger side replace last June and it cost me $271.34 to fix it! It was really bad.

June 17, I was praying and God told me to take $50 out of my wallet and put in the kitchen drawer, that Bill would need that. So I did. On June 19, Bill came by to tell me he had bad news for and good news, the good news is the part came the bad news is he would need another $50. to pay for it. This young man only had 100.00 on his charge card and they told him it would be $85.00 for the caliper, now they wanted $150. it came in pairs not just one. He did not want to ask me for the money, but I was laughing and told him to come in the house, I told him God told me to put the money in the drawer, I pulled out the bills handed it to him and told him to count it, he did and it was $50.00 I told him to never estimate the hand of God and be afraid to ask for money, he can not run a business if he was going to buy all the parts! I wanted to give him more money next month when I got my check and he refused it told me we are done talking about money!

That night I was praying for his Mother who has cancer and I kept hearing the Holy Spirit say rocking chair, I felt that Pat wanted a rocking Chair. But God told me not to take it to her but to take it to Bill.

The next day he brought me back my car all fixed. I asked him what does rocking chair mean to him, does your mom want a rocking chair? He told me that his grandmother's white rocking chair had broken and him and his sister's were looking for one to give her on Mother's day, but the ones they looked at were not what they wanted and the one they really wanted to get her was over 200. I ask him was that chair handmade by the amish? He said yes, I told him to come in to my dinning room, I said did it look like this one, he said yes it did! I told him take it home to his mother and tell her happy mother's day!

I told him this is of God And how would I know he wanted to buy his mother a rocking chair!

Not only was he able to bless me in such a great way, God had shown me how to bless him and his family!

If I had taken this car to someone else to work on they might not seen all that was wrong with this car or they would have Charged me well over $1,000 or more to fix. This young man would not take any more money from me, he just wants this car to be safe and runs great! The oil leak is fixed. Or should I say the oil was pouring out of this car as fast as you can pour it in. The seal was shot and he also replace the oil pan seal as well. God did stop the oil leak for me through this young man!

God knew what he was doing even if I did not understand all he was doing. I had to stop whining and give it to him and just do what God wanted me to do for him!

Praise God and Thank you Jesus for all your doing in through and for me! Bless this young man and his business greatly Lord for all he is doing for you!

I do know that God is moving in my neighborhood in a great and might way!

I do believe with all my heart that God will heal his mother of the cancer, God did have me go over and lay hands on her, I did find out that she had lost the faith in God had stop going to church with her husband. But I do believe once Bill tells her of the story of the rocking chair, Her faith will be back to recieve that healing God has for her!

For God can do the impossible when we leave it with him!

Therefore do not cast away your confidence, which has great reward. {36} For you have need of endurance, so that after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise: {37} "For yet a little while, And He who is coming will come and will not tarry. {38} Now the just shall live by faith; But if anyone draws back, My soul has no pleasure in him."

(Hebrews 10:35-38)

Please don't forget to sign my Guest Book and tell me what God is doing in your life! It is at the bottom of this page!

Are you hearing God in your life?

And have you accepted Jesus into your heart?

If not all you need to do is ask God to forgive you of all your sins and say:

Jesus I know you are real and I believe that you died on the cross for me, you redeemed me by your Blood. I want to live for you! I confess all my sins known and unknown. I am sorry for them all. I Renounce them all I forgive all others, and I want you to forgive me. Forgive me now, and cleanse me with your blood. I thank you for the blood of Jesus Christ which cleanses me now forever from sin, I come to you now as my deliverer you know my special needs the thing that binds, that torments, that defiles, that evil spirit. That unclean spirit. I claim the promises of your word. "Who so ever that calleth on the Lord shall be delivered," I call upon you now in Jesus Christ name. Deliver me and set me free. Satan, I renounce you and all your works. I loose myself from your works. I loose myself from you now in Jesus name. I command you to leave me right now in Jesus name! I have a confession to make my ancestors and I have sought super natural experiences apart from you. We have disobeyed your word. I ask for you’re forgiveness. I renounce witch craft and magic both black & white. I renounce witch craft and all occult games etc. I renounce hypnoses. I break any hold placed on me. I command it right back where it came from in Jesus name. I thank you Lord for all your doing in through and for me right now! By the Blood of Jesus Christ amen.

God Bless you all!

Jacqueline L. Greek