or HIDDEN TREASURES! One more blow to life and what I mess I made. Wrong choices that causes the pain to dwell in my heart. OH! That sandpaper again! Rubbing me the wrong way. Offenses coming from all direction. From friends to family and those I don't know. Death of love ones and friends leaving me. Now one more blow to life, health deteriorating and those irritating doctors. OH! So cold I can be keeping it all in and not trusting a soul.

Hanging on to my last hope. I hear a knock at the door of my heart, it's Jesus! I open my heart to Him and listening to every word He says. OH! So loving He holds me and the tears gushing forth. I then ask Him how do I cut through all this hard stone caused by all the pain from the irritations of Life?

He then tells me I am not alone, the battle is not mine but His alone to fight. Let the Holy Spirit cut through with His sword. I'll show you why the sandpaper peels away layers of hurts that need to surface. That's where the Hidden Treasures are. They come forth through all the hurts that brings forth the PEARLS! To be used to reflect the light of me in you!

Offenses will come but don't take them into your heart! Through anger, un-forgiveness and bitterness. You'll lose your pearls! Turn it around and use that sandpaper with Love and find those pearls! That is how one grain of sand rubbing on the tissues of certain shellfish will bring forth a pearl. The world's greatest treasure is......


That pearl is characteristic luster is due to reflection of light from different levels on the surface. That's how I see you! A pearl with a servant's heart reflecting me in you!

So turn around your blows of life with a cheerful heart to those I place around you! Do not let the Irritations of Life turn your heart to stone, by casting your pearls to the


Find The Hidden Treasures Of Life!


God gave me this one in 1993"

I was going through so much in my life at this time. Dealing with the doctor's again and needing more surgery. And dealing with some family members that could not understand the pain I was in because I looked fine to them. The pain was unbearable. I told my sister I would rather give birth to 10 babies at one time then have this pain. She asked me why that was. I told her the pain I have you don't know when it will leave once it starts. But with giving birth to so many babies at least I know that the pain will be gone when the last baby is born and the joy will be back in my life to be able to have a life!

Yet I was dealing with some very un-loving people as well.

She still not understanding the pain I was in how the pain starts so I then told her what another Doctor told me.

I found myself rubbing up against a lot of people when I was in pain. I was irritated with every one that was around me, from the plumber the grocery clerk to friends and family as well as my landlord!

When I first starting seeing Dr. Wilks in 1984 he explained to me a way to describe the pain so others can fully understand how we feel. The jaw joint is a load bearing joint! It takes more on the jaw joint then the knee does when you walk!

So see yourself in a swimming pool you're walking around in 3 to 4 feet of water. You do not feel the 400 pounds of pressure around you, because every thing is working correctly, just as your jaw is working correctly you do not feel the pressure when you talk or chew because every thing is working that it is design to work. You get out of the pool you are walking along the edge then someone pushes you into the water! Ouch that hurts! You do a little belly smacker! You did not go into the pool correctly and you hit the water! But that pain is something you can live with it. On the pain scale from one to ten this about a 5.

For those who have TMJ and live on pain medications we know we can handle some pain on a daily bases and we can live with it. So you just laugh that one off and go on with your swim.

You then decided to go on the high dive and you do a perfect swan dive! You hit the water with ease and feel no pain because you did every thing correctly! You get out of the water and want to go back up and do one more swan dive! You go out on the diving board and get ready to dive into that clear blue water! Then some idiot comes up behinds you and pushes you into the water. You hit the water full force and you just did a big Hugh belly smacker! You come out of the water crying the pain is so bad that you start screaming at any one that is in your way, all you can think of is the pain and getting rid of that pain!

It don't matter who comes over to help you! The pain level is a 10 but feels like 100! You had hit the water full force and feel the 400 pounds of pressure! All you can think of is getting rid of that pain!

Just as your jaw joint any type of stress can put you in more pain when it is not working correctly. You just want to be left alone!!

I know when I am at the pain level of a 5 and take my pain medication I can handle the small belly smackers and go on with my day!

But then if there is more and more stress or people demanding your attention right away that 5 can easy go up to a 10 and then the pain is so bad you lash out at anyone that comes near you! All you want to do is go to a quite place in your home and take your pain medication and just try and get some sleep. I have lashed out at so many people when I am at pain level at 10. I had to explain this version of the swimming pool so my friends and family can understand the pain level and what stress can do to the jaw joint and when I have the Hugh belly smacker they just need to leave me alone until I am ready to deal with them and what ever problems that comes up!

Then there were some telling me I can work that there was nothing wrong with me. I was not able to work. I had to quit my job it was too stressful on my jaw. My doctor's told me that I have to avoid stress at all cost. I was to apply for Social Security Disability, which was something I did not want to do! I had tried to work 2 jobs, one cleaning the church I attended and working for an appliance store.

But I was in so much pain by the time I came home that my daughter was being neglected! I would fall asleep on the couch after I came home from work at 2 PM and taken a pain pill. My daughter was 7 at the time; she would not wake me up! She got dinner that I had all ready fixed and heated it up in the microwave. I would wake up at 7 PM then remember I have to go clean the church for Wed., night! I would forget to see if my daughter had any homework!

So many in my family can not understand why I just can't work. I had surgery I look fine now time to get back to work that is not what my Doctor wants. I can not handle stress on the jaw! No one understands that. When I am under stress I am in so much pain my jaw is swollen, then I need to rest and be left alone until the pain and stress is gone. If I don't rest then I get sick very sick. I had the Teflon Implant that fragmented all through my body and stress activates it and it destroys my jaw that is why I have so much bone lost.

I have way too much bone lost and I had a rib removed to fill in the bone in my jaw and they had to hook it to my skull. Stress will destroy what is left of my jaw! If I have any more bone lost and my opening goes down I would be on a feeding tube.

God taught me to learn to accept the things that I cannot accept and to change those things that I can. God puts us around people who just rub us the wrong way or in situations that really upset us for a reason. That is to learn how to get along with them and find the good in them just as God loves them. Or find the good in any bad situation to turn it around for God's glory not ours. That is where the hidden pearls are found!

And who is rubbing you the wrong way?

Please don't forget to sign my Guest Book and tell me what God is doing in your life! It is at the bottom of this page!

Are you hearing God in your life?

And have you accepted Jesus into your heart?

If not all you need to do is ask God to forgive you of all your sins and say:

Jesus I know you are real and I believe that you died on the cross for me, you redeemed me by your Blood. I want to live for you! I confess all my sins known and unknown. I am sorry for them all. I Renounce them all I forgive all others, and I want you to forgive me. Forgive me now, and cleanse me with your blood. I thank you for the blood of Jesus Christ which cleanses me now forever from sin, I come to you now as my deliverer you know my special needs the thing that binds, that torments, that defiles, that evil spirit. That unclean spirit. I claim the promises of your word. "Who so ever that calleth on the Lord shall be delivered," I call upon you now in Jesus Christ name. Deliver me and set me free. Satan, I renounce you and all your works. I loose myself from your works. I loose myself from you now in Jesus name. I command you to leave me right now in Jesus name! I have a confession to make my ancestors and I have sought super natural experiences apart from you. We have disobeyed your word. I ask for you’re forgiveness. I renounce witch craft and magic both black & white. I renounce witch craft and all occult games etc. I renounce hypnoses. I break any hold placed on me. I command it right back where it came from in Jesus name. I thank you Lord for all your doing in through and for me right now! By the Blood of Jesus Christ amen.

God Bless you all!

Jacqueline L. Greek