LIFE’S MYSTERIES! Hope for the best, expect the worst. Life is planned, we are unrehearsed. Is the way of the world. To go with the flow of life’s mysteries that is set before them. Darkness overcomes them so they can not see the light of the truth that is set before them. Unrehearsed they go out into the world not knowing the enemy is leading them on the wrong path to destruction.

Often at times we as Believers in Christ do the same thing. Satan comes as an angel of light and we buy into his lies. It looks good, it feels good and this is what I need. So God must in this somewhere. “So I hope God will bless me in this they say.” Then they receive the worst and now it’s God to blame for failing them.

To go through life’s mysteries unrehearsed is not God’s way of life for His children. The Holy Spirit prepares us for all the life’s mysteries! But we must be willing to know His plan of life for ourselves. And to hear what the spirit is saying to us.

Seek God first and His righteousness is a must for all believers! It is faith in Jesus Christ not hope that pulls us through all of life’s mysteries! It is faith in His word that we are light of this world that brings the darkness out into the light of the truth of Jesus Christ.

To be rehearsed for life’s mysteries are reviled in theword of God. Is to know God and to speak His words is to live His word. Is to know His words in your heart. When life’s worst comes forth the word of God is life to those that find it. Then spoken in faith peace comes forth from the heart. The Holy Spirit then tells us what to do. And God’s plan for our lives is reviled to our hearts.

After we have done all that we can do. Then we stand on the word that God has given us. Then the Holy Spirit will guide us through the darkness and into the light of Victory! By theBlood of the Lamb, “Jesus Christ!”




“God gave me this back in 1993”

God knew I would be going through some rough times in 1993 more tough times in the years ahead and he wanted me to learn this lesson so I can get through what was coming at me in my own life.

So times we fall away from God little by little and we don't even know how far we have gotten until God pulls us back in close to him again. That is his mercy and grace that he Loves me! For who I am, he knows my heart when I ask for forgiveness.

We start hanging around with the wrong people or crowd and we start believing the lies they tell. The more we hang around them the more we become like them.

We as believers of Jesus Christ we need to be very careful who we are around and what we believe to be as truth, Satan comes in like a angel we don't even know what happen until it is too late.

2 John 1: 7

Many deceivers, who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh, have gone out into the world. Any such person is the deceiver and the antichrist.

Your very best friend who is not a believer in Jesus could very well lead you away from Christ if you follow after their ways!

That is what Satan wants you too is to keep doing what your doing with your friends and listen to their lies and Satan won't bother you, your following after him. But your reward is death in hell!

But when you follow after Jesus yes Satan will do what ever he can to get you to stop doing what your doing for God! God has given him free will to do so!

That is scary to think about it but it so true! It is not an easy road to follow but life's reward is Lift to those that find it! Heaven with Christ!

We are in the end times! Now more then ever is antichrist or Satan they will pull no stops in pulling you away from from Doing's God's work.

Look what he did to me, He kept me from getting my poems up online into a website for 10 years! He kept me full of believing lies after lies!

He had me in the flesh! I lost my brothers over this being in the flesh thinking I had to tell them the truth! That was a lie I hung on to for years! The very thing I forgave my ex-step-mother back in 1986. I turned it around and threw it in her face back in 2002!

He got me hanging around the wrong people who said the know God they read the bible, but all she did was whine and complain how bad her life was, then I started to do that again in my own life. Yes they read the bible but I notice they take the verses and apply what they want out of it! They argue over it! They had no understanding of the bible! I did take all my poems over to them and suggested that for one week just take one poem and read it over and over and ask God how to apply it in their life. I took over worship music to them and asked them to play it and get into there spirit. Well they have had the poems now for almost 2 years now, the songs they gave back to me.

I then started to see this women for who she really is, a lier a deceiver and she loves to turn every thing around about her. If i mention about going to a family dinner, it was oh I wish I had family, my family don't love me! on on she went. When she lied to my neighbor about me to get him mad at me, so he would not help in something he wanted to do for me, she heard about it and wanted it for herself. She would not admit the lie she would not admit how mad she was at me when the neighbor seen what she was doing and he believe me that I was not the one that did that to him, I do not need to mention what this lady claim I did to him, that is not the point.

I knew I had to end it with her. For over a year and half I did not speak to her.

Now in Sept 14 2008 we got hit with Iven here in Pa and lost our power. She was outside and started to talk to me, I went up on the porch and was sharing with her what God has done in my life. I asked her. Have you read any of the poems? She told me, no, why should I have the bible to read! I knew right there that very minute that I could never be friends like I was before with her. I can not trust her. I know what God has shown me about her. She is dead in Christ and the bible reading they take what they want and leave what they don't want out it.

She asked me one time why don't God seem to answer her prayer, I know why she has un-forgiveness and pride and strife built up in her heart, and no matter what I tell her about it, tell her to forgive her sister and let go and let God take it, she will not do that and that is pride! When I tell her about the complaining she tells my I am being honest on how I feel and that is what God wants! No that is not what God wants us to do! He wants us to be content where ever we are in Him and praise him no matter what is going on in our lives! She refused to do it! That is why I got the music back! I can feel for her but I can't hang around her! I do not want to become like her! I came so close to doing that almost 2 years ago! All I can do is just be a neighbor to her and love her the way God wants me to love her, but I can never go over there and just hang out like I use to.

He had me in the physic rooms listening to mediums and talking to my dead relatives and friends! Another lie believe this is so good its got to be of God! It was not GOD! I was looking for answers in all the wrong places! But God use that for His good for His Glory to get me to see the truth! I talked about that on the first page as well as in The Mustard Seed.

It was Chris and her love of God that she shared to me is what got me thinking more about God and what he did for me.

And being around the lady's in the Southside Neighborhood Association that helped bring me back to God in the way God wants to use me for his Kingdom for his Glory!

If all God does is give me his poems to put up on here and share what he has done for me to those around me, then I can say I am Blessed very Blessed for all God has done for me! He is my Daddy my Father who loves me so much he snatched me out of the Satan's snare of lies! I can praise him with my whole Heart, and soul! Just because he loves me so much he sent his Son Jesus to die for me! I have a life in Heaven with him,

I want to shout it out on the roof tops on how much I love him!

I can never ever stop sharing what he is giving to me! I can not hid away the poems he gave me out of my heart! My God is so much bigger then me and he can do all things through Christ that love him!

Please don't forget to sign my Guest Book and tell me what God is doing in your life! It is at the bottom of this page!

Are you hearing God in your life?

And have you accepted Jesus into your heart?

If not all you need to do is ask God to forgive you of all your sins and say:

Jesus I know you are real and I believe that you died on the cross for me, you redeemed me by your Blood. I want to live for you! I confess all my sins known and unknown. I am sorry for them all. I Renounce them all I forgive all others, and I want you to forgive me. Forgive me now, and cleanse me with your blood.

I thank you for the blood of Jesus Christ which cleanses me now forever from sin, I come to you now as my deliverer you know my special needs the thing that binds, that torments, that defiles, that evil spirit. That unclean spirit. I claim the promises of your word.

"Who so ever that calleth on the Lord shall be delivered," I call upon you now in Jesus Christ name. Deliver me and set me free.

Satan, I renounce you and all your works. I loose myself from your works. I loose myself from you now in Jesus name. I command you to leave me right now in Jesus name! I have a confession to make my ancestors and I have sought super natural experiences apart from you. We have disobeyed your word. I ask for you’re forgiveness. I renounce witch craft and magic both black & white. I renounce witch craft and all occult games etc. I renounce hypnoses. I break any hold placed on me. I command it right back where it came from in Jesus name. I thank you Lord for all your doing in through and for me right now! By the Blood of Jesus Christ amen.

God Bless you all!

Jacqueline L. Greek