God's best comes from the roses but through the tears of the thorns. We pull back in fear of the alligators.

So often we turn to the alligators for help and they come disguised as roses. They slither up beside you and say trust me, I don't bite! In exception they have what you need so you give them all that you are.

So fast they turn on you and pull you through the mud. With all the criticizing and backbiting. Trying to change you to be what they think you should be. They tear you apart and leave you spiritually dead.

Roses are the splendor of all God's glory that He places around us. Sometimes when picking up a rose you are jabbed by the thorns. Don't draw back and drop the rose. Step back and look at that rose. The softness of the petal is cushions by GOD'S love.

Thorns are God's way of pruning you and taking out what's not God in you.

In all of the splendor and glory, God is working through the roses. Lifting you up to and edifying to build His character in you. To be that God has called you to be.

Often at times the alligators are looking for the roses. Smelling the fragrance of God's love in you. They to need the thorns to draw them closer to God.

To look for the true rose, first look at the fruit of their lives. Do you smell the fragrance of GOD'S love coming through them?


"God gave this on to me 1993"

What God was showing me through this time of my life is to go in prayer with him before I get involved doing anything with someone I really don't know and to watch them by their fruits. I have gotten myself in a lot of trouble with this one. Like the guy who wanted me to help him with the movie! Or a friend I thought was a friend. She was like a tornado coming through my home!

This happen back in 1991. It was several years later and many lessons to learn this.

I met Pam through a friend and she was having trouble with evil spirits in her home and she has 4 small children in her home, the worst part of this she was legally blind!

It was late and I had my daughter and three of my nieces sleeping in the living room so I could not go to her. I was up all night praying for her and binding the evil spirit. Once her kids were calm and sleeping then I got off the phone with her.

A few days later she called me and her mother was taking the kids for a week, she had to go and pick up her guide dog in another state. She asked me if it would be all right for her to stay at home for a few days and pray with her and lead her to the Lord. I said that would be all right.

While I was she was here God spoke to me to lay hands on her that he was going to give her back her sight! I did and told her to start thanking God for her sight! She did that. She went to get her guide dog and when she got back, she told me I feel like a fool getting the dog and I know that God is going to heal me; I even told my eye doctor God is going to heal me. And he said that was not going to happen. My eyes were beyond repair, I told him that God can fix anything.

It took about three weeks and she had been going to church with me as well. My pastor was told by God he was going to heal her as well. So they laid hands on her, she then was slain in the spirit! Two days later she called me and her sight was restored!

Now her husband had come home, he was out somewhere working in another state. He was shocked she had her sight back. They then moved to a house down the street from me.

Her husband was a drunk that beat her. She would call me locked in her room, I would pray for her and her husband that God would knock him out for the night and he did. He would fell asleep on the couch all night!

Soon after that happen I got a phone call from my pastor. Telling me he needed to see me in his office right away! When I got there, there was Pam sitting there. He told me that Pam has something to say as to what I was doing and saying.

She started to yell really loud about lies or twisting what I had said to her. I was shocked by what was coming out of her mouth! I just sat there in disbelief as to what I was hearing. She was so angry at me and I could not figure out why she would be telling all this junk that was not true.

Then the Pastor asked me what was going on. I told him calmly what the truth was.

The Pastor then told Pam that he did not believe a word she was saying! Then told us why he believes that. He had prayed before we both got here. And ask God that the one who was lying would be yelling and getting angry and the one telling the truth would be calm.

She got up and left. Then he asked me why I did not defend myself to her? I told him why I God should knows the truth and that is all that matters. He then told me that before I got here she told him that she wanted him to kick me out of the church that she would not go if I was going here! She went to another church. God Healed her for a reason, but she was still blind to the truth of GOD!

I would hear from her every now then mainly when she needed something or prayer for something, she came to me saying God answers your Prays! Ever time she came into my home it was like a tornado rolling though. She was loud and demanding and yet I still helped her.

She left Pa and I did not hear from her in years out of the blue she called me!

This was in the year 2004.

She was living in Texas and had a boyfriend she was happy! She had two of her children home with her. She kept calling me and we spent hours on the phone. She appeared to have change and was going to a church there.

Then one night she called me to tell me that her boyfriend bought her a house in Tenn. She was so excited about that. He even told her to go up North and visit her family in Ohio.

Once he had her all moved in he would call her.

She called me one night from Ohio and Steve had lied to her and tricked her. He came up with a moving van and unloaded all her things right there on the street and left! He had no plans on letting her stay with him! Or she knew this and lied to me. I don't know what the truth was here.

This was in June 2004.

She asked me if she could stay with me for a week and gives her friend a break, she needed to find out what she was going to do or live.

To make a long story short, it lasted four days and she ate me out of house and home.

She did buy some food later on. One problem after another one with her kids and with her as well. But one morning I went to the food bank and come back, Pam was on the couch sleeping we had been up all night for she was fixing my computer.

I could not sleep so I was up on the computer in the other room. All of a sudden she was up and screaming at the kids about the dogs being sick. She had them in creates in my kitchen. The she was yelling at me to get off the fricken (Not saying the word she used) computer, I was on dial-up she needed the phone! To call the vet.

I went into the kitchen to calm down her children. Then she was screaming we are leaving now! Get the fricken clothes together I am not staying here!

I gather all her meat she bought and what ever she had as well as packed some of the food I had gotten from the food bank for her children. Sat them by the door. In a half an hour she was gone. Not one thank you came out of her mouth! Then she came back in and said I forgot my coke! I can't leave with out my coke! Gone out the door like tornado whipping though my house again! It was a mess!

I went to get myself something to eat and then notice I had not food at all! Nothing not even a loaf of bread or milk. She brought mild to replace mine and then she took that too.

God did provide with me food from some of my friend. Then he told me. You did not pray and ask me if she should come here! I did not pray and seek God at all in this. This lady just wanted to few days away from her friend eat what I had take what she had bought to replace of my food! She never did changed one bit!

Had I listen to her on the phone and knew her boyfriend did not want her living with him. I should have picked up on that there was something not right there and not have her in my home. I learn a very hard lesson on this one again.

What these people do is they pray on God's people and lie to you and you being a Christen you believe them, why not what reason do you have to doubt them?

Listen to them talk? What are they talking about? Are they swearing and taking God's name in vain? True man or women of God will not do that! Are they bragging about them self? Are they talking bad of others and putting them down? Have you caught them in lies? How honest are they? Or are they just selfish and its all about them not you?

If you can not say something kind about someone then don't say anything at all about them.

Also God will put you among thorns to prune you as well. What is your temper like being around the thorns? Having to stand in a long line at the grocery store and someone cuts in front of you and your running late! How do you treat the cashier? Or sitting in traffic and some one cuts you off!

God wants us to treat others as we would like to be treated!

To test what comes out of you as well!

Do you have an ALLIGATOR OR A ROSE, Living in your home?

Listen to them that is how you can tell them apart!

They claim they are Christian's but they were not. They will quote the BIBLE! But they were so far from God and if your not careful they will take you for everything you have!

But then you run into those who see God in you and they want that part of you in their lives. They smelled the fragrance of God's love coming from you. They will accept your help on leading them to the Lord!

Are you hearing God in your life?

And have you accepted Jesus into your heart?

If not all you need to do is ask God to forgive you of all your sins and say:

Jesus I know you are real and I believe that you died on the cross for me, you redeemed me by your Blood. I want to live for you! I confess all my sins known and unknown. I am sorry for them all. I Renounce them all I forgive all others, and I want you to forgive me. Forgive me now, and cleanse me with your blood. I thank you for the blood of Jesus Christ which cleanses me now forever from sin, I come to you now as my deliverer you know my special needs the thing that binds, that torments, that defiles, that evil spirit. That unclean spirit. I claim the promises of your word. "Who so ever that calleth on the Lord shall be delivered," I call upon you now in Jesus Christ name. Deliver me and set me free. Satan, I renounce you and all your works. I loose myself from your works. I loose myself from you now in Jesus name. I command you to leave me right now in Jesus name! I have a confession to make my ancestors and I have sought super natural experiences apart from you. We have disobeyed your word. I ask for you’re forgiveness. I renounce witch craft and magic both black & white. I renounce witch craft and all occult games etc. I renounce hypnoses. I break any hold placed on me. I command it right back where it came from in Jesus name. I thank you Lord for all your doing in through and for me right now! By the Blood of Jesus Christ amen.

God Bless you all!

Jacqueline L. Greek